Mineral Point School District is anxiously anticipating celebrating its 2021 Homecoming September 27th through October 2nd.
This year’s theme is “We’re Out of This World!”
Court members include, left to right:
Front row: King and Queen Candidates: Bo Hanson, Mallory Lindsey, Ross Lindsey, Ella Chambers, Trapper Nafzger, and Kennedy Smith.
Second row: Freshman Representative Ally Baehler, Junior Representative Mackenzie Aurit, Senior Representative Blair Watters, Senior Representative Callie Pierce, Sophomore Representative Breanna Goninen, Sophomore Representative Elin Bowers, and Freshman Representative Ella Kroll.
Third row: Senior soccer players Hayden Bakken, Jared Wedig, Miles Houtakker, and Drew Hottenstein.
Fourth row: Senior football players Leyten Bowers, Joah Filardo, Tanner Goninen, Dominik McVay, Colbi Carey, and Bodie Bossert.
Fifth row: Senior football players Brett Roberts and Owen Ward.
Missing is Junior Representative Kylie Rule (due to a wrestling commitment).
Not pictured are emcees: Jade Nodolf, Delaney Ross & Jayda Sudmeier
The home events are as follows:
Monday 9/27
- High school dress up day: Celebrity
- Middle school dress up day: Color (Red 7th Grade, White 8th Grade, Blue 6th Grade)
- Elementary school dress up day: Monday Morning PJs – Enjoy wearing your comfy, cozy PJs to school
- JV Football vs. Lancaster 5 pm
Tuesday 9/28
- High school dress up day: Disney
- Middle school dress up day: Hawaiian
- Elementary school dress up day: Team Tuesday – Sport your favorite team spirit wear
- MS Volleyball vs. Lancaster 4 pm
Wednesday 9/29
- High school dress up day: Class Theme (Freshmen: Asteroids, Sophomores: Rockets, Juniors: Aliens, Seniors: Astronauts, Staff: Ground Control)
- Middle school dress up day: 60s
- Elementary school dress up day: Workout Wednesday – Sweatshirts, t-shirts, sweatpants, or shorts
Thursday 9/30
- High school dress up day: Class Color (Freshmen: Green, Sophomores: Pink, Juniors: Purple, Seniors: Black, Staff: Blue)
- Middle school dress up day: Twin
- Elementary school dress up day: Thursday – Unified in Pride – Wear your Unified t-shirt or blue and white
- Parade 6:15 pm down High Street
- Anyone wishing to enter a float in the parade should fill out this form: https://forms.gle/wtdyH2PNo5Hjn3nv7 If you have any questions, please contact Matt Nevers at matt.nevers@mp.k12.wi.us or 987-0739 ext. 472. Entries should be in no later than Wednesday, September 29th to allow enough time to distribute the parade line-up to all involved. Floats may be pulled by car or truck, and the driver must have a valid WI driver’s license. Written permission from the owner must be registered with Mr. Nevers. No three or four wheelers will be allowed in the parade and we ask that you refrain from throwing candy as it creates a hazardous situation for youngsters. Class floats can have 6-8 students riding and drivers of floats must have a valid regular driver’s license (19 years old and older) and proof of insurance turned into the high school office a week before the parade.
- Community Spirit Rally and crowning of the King & Queen to follow the parade at the football field
Friday 10/1
- High & middle school dress up day: Pointer Spirit
- Elementary school dress up day: Proud Pointer Friday – Wear your favorite Pointer spirit wear
- Varsity Football vs. Parkview/Albany 7 pm
- (POSTPONED TBA) Home Boys Soccer vs. Platteville/Lancaster (at Dodgeville High School) 4:30 pm Varsity/JV to follow
Saturday 10/2
- Dance 8 pm to Midnight (Grand March 8:30 pm)
A special invitation is extended to all Pointer Alumni to join in the festivities. Pointer Pride never dies.
Go Blue! Make it a great Homecoming week!