For decades, Mike Chambers and Deb Soper were fixtures of Mineral Point Middle School. Coworkers and good friends, it’s fitting the duo who retired together from teaching in 2020 will lead this year’s Homecoming Parade Thursday evening.
Soper served the District for 22 years as a 6th grade teacher while Chambers taught middle school math in Mineral Point for 18. Additionally, both were middle school math team coaches, and Mike also has been a sports coach, including an assistant coach for the girls basketball team during the 2016 WIAA State Championship run and 2021 WIAA State Runner-Up experience.
Deb: Husband Scott
Mike: Wife Kate and daughters Cassidy and Clara
Favorite Homecoming memories:
Deb: During Spirit Week, as a teacher, I always loved seeing the creative ways kids would dress for each day’s theme. During my high school years, I loved being involved in creating the class float at a classmate’s shed/barn, going to the bonfire and pep rally, getting out of school early for the parade, watching the Homecoming court representatives walk down the stone steps at the old football field, and finding out who was crowned queen.
Mike: Every time we were victorious while coaching football, as well as having a daughter on Homecoming court.
What makes MP Homecoming special?:
Deb: Homecoming is special because it’s a time to reconnect with old friends recollecting memories of school years, and appreciating how the Mineral Point community comes together to show its support and pride.
Mike: Having the whole community involved.
What was your reaction when you were asked to serve as Parade Marshals?:
Deb: Being asked to be Co-Grand Marshal is an honor! I see it as a huge “thank you” for my contribution to help educate the great kids of Mineral Point.
Mike: I honestly thought there must be some mistake.
Mineral Point Homecoming is always a very special time in our community and we look forward to celebrating our Pointer Pride!