by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright
As we draw near the end of another school year, we can look back on where we started and be proud of how far we have come. There were lessons learned inside the classroom, online, and lessons that have long-lasting implications. Every parent wants “it” to be better for their children. We want better opportunities, better education, better jobs — whatever “it” is, we all want better for our children.
When summer vacation starts, it may be a great time to reflect on what has happened during the course of this school year. The students have been virtual at times, in a hybrid schedule at times, and face-to-face for an entire semester. They have learned reading and math, conducted science experiments, and built things with their own hands. They have been responsible for directing their own educational opportunities and managing their time wisely. While it may not seem obvious to everyone, our students have been successful in many areas that will help them throughout their lives.
Elementary, middle and high schools were not the only educational facilities that were impacted by the health concerns. Colleges and universities were also impacted. For the seniors, even in a “normal” year, college students do not always attend classes every day. I am sure there are high school students wondering if they are ready for college. I say that you are! Classes at the next level may be held on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or possibly on Tuesday and Thursday. If you are unfortunate enough to have a night class, that only meets once a week for about three hours. No professor will check on you to see if your homework is done and turned in. They will not remind you that important deadlines are approaching. However, due to the environment you just experienced in high school, you know how to manage your time, keep a calendar of assignments, and advocate for yourself. These are all skills that will help you in college or on the job.
These are not the lessons we intended to teach this year but you learned them just the same. You also learned that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to no matter the size of the obstacle. Someone once said that “it isn’t the number of times you get knocked down that matters, it’s the number of times you are willing to get back up!” I would encourage you to always get back up one more time. You have done it already, and it is who you will be, Pointer Nation.