The Mineral Point High School Chapter of Future Business Leaders of America State qualifiers gathered to view the opening ceremony for the virtual State Leadership Conference April 12. A pancake breakfast and treats were served while the Wisconsin State FBLA officers shared the many achievements and accomplishments of our FBLA chapters, despite the COVID pandemic. The business event test competitions took place online this year and judging of presentation events was completed through video submissions ahead of the conference.
Members who had placed 1st through 3rd in their events at the Regional Leadership Conference held in February advanced to compete at the State level. Competitors at this year’s State Leadership Conference included: Will Straka – Business Calculations, Caleb Wersal – Cybersecurity, Abel Logue – Intro to Business, Kelsie Toay – Advertising, Callie Pierce – Business Communication, Jay Schrank – Journalism, Skylar Martin, Chloe Oberhauser, and Jenna Wiker – Social Media Strategies, Hope Wilson – Business Calculations, Kennedy Smith – Hospitality & Event Management, Grace Engels – Journalism, Tatum Novak – Securities and Investments, and Rita Wilson – Graphic Design.
During this year’s State Leadership closing ceremony, awards went to Will Straka who earned 5th place qualifying as an alternate for National Leadership Conference, Callie Pierce who earned 6th place, and Jay Schrank who earned 10th place. Congratulations to you all!
The Mineral Point Chapter earned the Gold Seal Chapter of Merit Award for completion of the Gold Seal requirements for participation in projects and programs identified with the goals of FBLA.
Mrs. Bakken would like to recognize the hard work and effort put forth by our members this year and their achievement and success under challenging circumstances. She looks forward to next year and another great showing at Regional and State Leadership and a hopeful return to in-person attendance for the conferences which offer students such great opportunities to learn, demonstrate their skills, and be rewarded for their accomplishments.