The School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday night and made decisions impacting instruction during the final weeks of the 2020-21 school year.
Video link: https://youtu.be/fh7IvzD8DAM
The Board held lengthy discussion around returning to school five days in-person per week for the remainder of the school year. Currently, Wednesdays are virtual. (Go to the two hour, one minute, 15 second mark)
The motion to return to five days per week of in-person instruction beginning April 21 for the elementary passed by a 6-1 vote with Busch voting no. The motion to return to five days per week of in-person instruction beginning April 21 for the middle/high passed by a 4-3 vote with Busch, Heisner, and Lindsey voting no.
A previous motion to return to five days per week of in-person instruction for the remainder of the school year starting April 14 district wide failed by a 5-2 vote with the yes votes coming from Steffes and Sullivan.
There is a need at the elementary school to move out of the existing building ahead of summer construction. By a 6-1 vote (with Steffes voting no), the Board agreed for the last day of classes at the elementary school to be Wednesday, May 19. The last day of classes at the middle/high school will remain Friday, May 21. (Go to the one hour, 45 minute mark and again at the two hour, 30 minute mark)
To recap, the Board voted to return Wednesdays to in-person instruction beginning Wednesday, April 21. Wednesdays will be a 2 pm early release. The last day of classes at the elementary will now be Wednesday, May 19. Middle/High School students will finish Friday, May 21. This is due to the elementary construction project.
Students participating in the all-virtual option will be able to continue to do so through the end of the school year.
Other business:
— Unanimously approved five days per week of in-person instruction for the 2021-22 school year with no virtual option (except under rare circumstances). This is the intent of the district for the fall. (Go to the two hour, 34 minute mark)
— The Board approved by a 6-1 vote (with Steffes voting no) continuing with the district’s face covering policy indoors and to follow WIAA spring sports guidelines for outdoor sports and activities.
As read by Superintendent Wainwright, a statement from attorney Strang Patteson states, “Nothing in the Court’s decision or in the resulting invalidation of the Governor’s state of emergency declaration, invalidates or prohibits local government authorities from issuing face covering requirements…This means that the Court’s decision has no practical effect on local governments, including public school districts’ authority to implement or maintain current face covering requirements. School districts derive authority to implement face covering requirements from multiple sources of authority.”
(Go to the two hour, 38 minute, 20 second mark)
— Recognized Fall State Solo & Ensemble and State Music Honors Project participants. (This begins the meeting).
— Tim Ruppert with HSR gave an update on the elementary building project. To view his presentation, visit: https://mineralpointschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021-04-12-Board-Meeting.pdf
(Go to the 23 minute mark)
— Superintendent Wainwright presented his monthly budget update. (Go to the 40 minute mark)
— The Board approved by a 5-1-1 vote (with Steffes voting no and Dunn abstaining) the health insurance increase of 4.5% for 2021-22 and not to exceed 5.9% for 2022-23. This rate was obtained due to the district locking in a two-year agreement last summer. (Go to the 44 minute, 30 second mark)
— Unanimously approved the certified staff contracts for 2021-22 with a CPI increase of 1.23%, and the step increase on the salary schedule. (Go to the one hour, four minute, 30 second mark)
— Unanimously approved the support staff salary wage schedule for 2021-22 with some employees receiving a $0.50 per hour increase and others a CPI increase of 1.23% that are on the top of the salary schedule. (Go to the one hour, 13 minute, 15 second mark)
— Approved by a 5-1-1 vote (with Sullivan voting no and Busch abstaining) the additive contract schedule as presented. (Go to the one hour, 18 minute, 15 second mark)
— Unanimously approved the summer contracts as presented. (Go to the one hour, 24 minute mark)
— Unanimously approved the summer school wage scheduled as presented. Staff that teach during summer school are paid an hourly rate that is 80% of their per diem. A non-staff teacher is paid at a rate of $25 per hour. (Go to the one hour, 27 minute, 45 second mark)
— Unanimously approved the Upland Hills Health 2021-24 agreement. (Go to the one hour, 36 minute, 45 second mark)
— Unanimously approved the annual 66.0301 agreement with Iowa-Grant for a shared Speech and Language Teacher. Mineral Point uses 30% of the contract for required services. (Go to the one hour, 43 minute, 15 second mark)
— Approved by a 4-3 vote (with Chambers, Steffes, and Sullivan voting no) Rule 411.4, nondiscrimination guidelines related to students who are transgender and nonconforming to gender role stereotypes. (Go to the two hour, 50 minute, 30 second mark)
— Unanimously approved the second reading of Policy 421, admission to kindergarten, and Policy 421.1, admission to first grade. (Go to the three hour, six minute mark)
— Unanimously approved the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the three hour, eight minute, 15 second mark)
— A special board meeting for oath of office for new members will be held Monday, April 26 at 6:30 pm. The next regular board meeting will be Monday, May 10 at 6:30 pm.