The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its November Students of the Month at a virtual meeting Wednesday, November 4. The Kiwanis Club is meeting via Zoom during the pandemic.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Macy Aschliman
Macy Aschliman was born and raised in Mineral Point. She is the middle child in her family of seven.
Macy is currently a senior at MPHS. She is very active in school, sports, and community activities. She is an active member of the Mineral Point Youth Group, Student Council, Key Club, volleyball team, and basketball team. Through the Youth Group, Macy goes on a yearly mission trip. During this mission trip, the Youth Group provides all kinds of services ranging from spending time in nursing homes to making meals for people experiencing homelessness. These mission trips allowed, and continue to allow, Macy numerous learning opportunities and provide her with experiences that are not as present in our small town.
Macy holds leadership positions in the Key Club as the Vice President and as a Captain of both the volleyball and basketball teams. Macy has a love for the games of basketball and volleyball and is constantly practicing. Macy’s volleyball team recently won Regionals for the first time in 22 years, and her basketball team has been very successful in past years and will be this year also.
During the summers, Macy enjoys working at the Mineral Point Pool as a lifeguard and helping her dad at her family’s store. She stays busy with school and sports during the school year and has taken multiple college courses to prepare for her future. She will graduate high school with over 30 college credits. She has a love for helping others, just as her grandfather did. She looks up to her grandfather as a hard worker and a major person in this community. Her grandfather recently passed away; he was the hardest worker she knew and an all-around great man. Macy strives to help as many people and work as hard as her grandfather did.
She plans on attending UW-Whitewater to major in social work; after receiving her bachelor’s in social work, she intends to go on to get a master’s degree in either clinical social work or counseling. Macy plans to work as either a clinical psychiatric social worker or mental health therapist. She hopes to make a positive difference in people’s lives.
“It is obvious that Macy Aschliman has been an outstanding student during her time at MPHS. Macy has also been successful in her co-curricular activities. What I am very proud of is the fact that Macy has made the decision to use our dual-enrollment opportunities more than any other student that I have worked with in my time working at Mineral Point. In essence, Macy has been earning college credits during high school the past two years! Macy will enter college with a full year (30 credits approximately) under her belt! That is a huge advantage in many ways and most obvious is less overall tuition and less time in college! Thank you for being a pioneer in this aspect and thank you for being an advocate for yourself, Macy!” ~ Andy Palzkill, Middle/High School Counselor
“Congratulations on the award of Student of the Month. Your maturity and leadership skills have always been advanced compared to others your age. You are academically gifted, hard-working, and a compassionate young woman who uses her gifts to improve the lives of others. I am so proud of you and the beautiful person you have become. Enjoy every minute of your senior year; it goes by way too fast.” ~ Lesley Macaulay, Middle/High School Art Teacher
“If I were to describe Macy, I would use the words kind, leader, and thoughtful. Overall, Macy is a great person and a true example to her peers of how working hard can help you accomplish your goals. To me, these qualities are going to aid in your success and help you reach your dreams as you begin to write the next chapter of your story. Macy, congratulations on your selection as the Student of the Month. It was also a pleasure to have had the chance to coach you. Your future is bright and I am sure that you will accomplish amazing things.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“I’ve known Macy since elementary school, not only as the elementary secretary, but because she and my daughters have played sports together from youth through this year. Macy has always been kind and respectful when coming into the office and has shown athleticism and good sportsmanship on the court. Macy has always done very well academically and has a great future ahead of her. Good luck with everything you do.” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“Author Henry James wrote, ‘Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.’ Kindness runs through Macy Aschliman’s blood. Macy has always been the first to help out when she sees someone in need; the first one to offer a hand to pull someone up – never put him or her down; and the first one to sacrifice for another when a situation comes up short. Her kind soul is only rivaled by her work ethic and intelligence. I am beyond excited to see how life unfolds for you next year, sweet girl!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
Cameron Wiegman
Cameron comes from a family of four with his brother, Dawson; mother, Robin; and father; Dan. He is currently attending Mineral Point High School in his senior year.
While in school, Cameron likes to talk with his friends and learn about different materials that relate to his life. Cameron is a member of the basketball team, Key Club, yearbook, and a Blue Crew manager.
While out of school, he plays a lot of basketball, but also enjoys hanging with friends, golfing, playing video games, and helping his grandpa with his different projects. Cameron has worked at both Lands’ End as an order filler as well as a lifeguard at the Mineral Point Pool during the summers. Cameron is currently working at Lands’ End as a stocker while also trying to complete CNA class.
Cameron would like to attend UW-La Crosse and major in biology or exercise and sports science. After college, he would like to become a physician assistant. Having been in the place of a patient many times has made him more accustomed to the medical field and has influenced his life.
One person that has influenced Cameron very much is Mr. Tom Steger. Mr. Steger makes Cameron want to learn more about science and how it applies to multiple aspects of life. Cameron feels that if he ever had a question about anything, Mr. Steger would give him an in-depth answer that would be beneficial.
“Cameron, congratulations on your selection as the November Student of the Month. I couldn’t think of a student who is more deserving of this honor. Dependable, respectful, and positive are words that jump out at me when I am asked to describe you. You have been an excellent role model for younger students and have been a great leader for your class. Your skill set and positive attitude will take you far in life. In addition, I want to thank you for all of your help with streaming the football games. Best of luck with your future.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“Cameron has been an excellent student since elementary school. He’s in my daughter’s class, so I know him well. He is always polite and considerate when he comes into the office and I’ve observed his love for basketball over the years. Cameron has a strong academic background and does well with everything he puts his mind to. I know he’ll have a successful future. Good luck, Cameron.” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“‘Trustworthiness is shown in a person’s actions, not just words.’ – Anonymous. As long as I have known Cameron, he has always come through on his word. When he says he will be there, he is; when he says he will do something, he does! Cam is also one of the most easy-going, flexible kids I have worked with. His pleasant personality, coupled with his work ethic, will surely take him far in life! I can’t tell you how much I have always appreciated your willingness to lean in and engage in all lessons presented to you. Cameron is destined for big things; I will miss him dearly next year, but can’t wait to see him fly!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
“Cam is a great example of a student/athlete. He puts forth his best effort at all times in the classroom and on the basketball floor. He always does so with a positive attitude. Cam has had to overcome a number of difficult injuries in order to be able to play basketball, a lot more than most people realize. Even though the challenges have been ongoing I have never heard him once complain. Cam is always prepared to take on any challenges that come his way.” ~ Dan Burreson, High School Social Studies Teacher and Head Boys Basketball Coach