The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday night with a full agenda.
The Board unanimously approved a face covering policy for the District, similar to what many other districts have implemented. Currently, the Governor’s mask mandate is in effect, however, that may not always be the case. The District policy will be in effect until it is ended by a Board vote. Additionally, the Board plans to revisit the topic monthly.
This policy applies to students, employees, volunteers, and visitors.
The policy can be viewed here: https://mineralpointschools.org/wp-content/uploads/Policy443.11-Mask-Policy.pdf
Video link: https://youtu.be/igvEonqhVKc
(Go to the two hour, 27 minute, 30 second mark of the video)
Other business:
— The Board heard an update from Justin Skelding and Annika Swenson, co-chairs of the Reopening Advisory Committee. The committee reviewed the most recent staff and family survey results:
Staff results: https://mineralpointschools.org/wp-content/uploads/File_-9_18_20-Staff-Survey-Results.pdf
Family results: https://mineralpointschools.org/wp-content/uploads/File_-9_18_20-Families-Survey-Results.pdf
The committee chairpersons stated, largely based on the current trends of the virus, the committee currently recommends remaining in the hybrid model, but is looking specifically at possibly supporting the safe return of more elementary students in the younger grades.
At its next meeting, the committee will work on developing a report card that will include metrics based on data of when the district might be able to safely move into a Phase II.
The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 8 at 6 pm.
(Go to the 13 minute mark)
— Related to the above, the Board heard first drafts from building administrators of possible Phase II reopening scenarios in draft form. (Copies of draft Phase II plans are included in the agenda under this item: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Agenda/2067?meeting=401953)
(Go to the 48 minute mark)
— Tim Ruppert of HSR presented to the Board regarding the current state of the elementary renovation. His presentation can be viewed here: https://mineralpointschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2020-09-28-Board-Meeting.pdf
Of the bid alternates listed, unanimously accepted by the Board were the cafeteria windows at $41,000, along with a less expensive mesh railing that offers a savings of about $13,000, and it was decided to cap the library furniture bid at $125,000.
(Go to the one hour, 54 minute mark)
— The option to play middle school (7th and 8th grade) boys basketball in the first semester (Nov – Dec) was voted down by a 4-3 vote with Andy Busch, Aaron Dunn, Joni Heisner, and Everett Lindsey voting against playing and Larry Steffes, Nate Chambers, and Gary Sullivan voting in favor. At this time, there will be no school-sponsored middle school boys basketball. (Go to the two hour, 57 minute mark)
— The Board approved by a 4-3 vote (with Dunn, Heisner, Sullivan, and Chambers voting in favor and Lindsey, Steffes, and Busch voting against) three free letter mailings per employee by the district postage machine per year. (Go to the three hour, 11 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the second reading of the Nondiscrimination in District Programs, Activities, and Operations Policy. (Go to the two hour, 26 minute, 30 second mark)
— The next regular meeting will be held Monday, October 12 at 6:30 pm.