The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday and had a lengthy discussion regarding school reopening efforts and possible next steps, including some board members’ desire to see a potential Phase II draft plan from administration of bringing more students back into the buildings more days per week.
Video link: https://youtu.be/hopfiUwouX0
During this time, the Board heard reports from the co-chairpersons of the Reopening Advisory Committee, Justin Skelding and Annika Swenson. The next meeting of the committee is set for Thursday, September 17. The chairs praised the efforts of the hybrid model in mitigating risk through the district’s first positive COVID-19 case last week. An agenda item of the committee meeting Thursday will be to develop a survey to be sent to staff and families. In addition to Skelding and Swenson, committee members include: Erika Brunson, Kyle Carey, Gina Dochnahl, Dr. Sarah Fox, Matthew Goninen, Jody Hanek, Aaron James, Bob Oberhauser, Amy Tibbits, and Maggie Tucker. The public can find information about the group’s next meeting here: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/2067
(Go to the one hour, two minute mark of the video)
Other business:
— Tim Ruppert of HSR presented an update on the elementary renovation project, which can be viewed here: https://mineralpointschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2020-09-14-Board-Meeting.pdf
(Go to the 26 minute mark)
— The Board discussed how to proceed with face coverings for students and staff following the expiration of the Governor’s order September 28. Board treasurer Larry Steffes requested Superintendent Mitch Wainwright to seek a legal opinion from the Wisconsin Association of School Boards on whether or not schools have authority to institute such a requirement, therefore, the matter was unanimously tabled until a special meeting September 28. (Go to the three hour, four minute mark)
— The Board discussed some funding requests, largely related to COVID-19, at the elementary school, which could possibly come from the Fund Balance, if necessary. (Go to the two hour, 19 minute, 45 second mark)
— The Board held a first reading of an updated Nondiscrimination in District Programs, Activities, and Operations Policy, as required by law. The draft came from the Wisconsin Association of School Boards. The policy will be brought back for a second reading and approval at an upcoming meeting. (Go to the two hour, 10 minute, 30 second mark)
— Superintendent Wainwright presented his monthly budget comparison. (Go to the two hour, 18 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the annual Seclusion & Restraint Report. The law requires each school (the principal or a designee) to report the data annually to the school board a report on the number of incidents of seclusion and physical restraint in the previous year; the total number of students involved in the incidents; and the total number of students with disabilities involved in the incidents. The Act requires the information be broken down by the school. (Go to the two hour, 56 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the hiring of Gina Dochnahl as an Instructional Assistant at the elementary school. (Go to the three hour, 19 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the three hour, 20 minute mark)
— The Board will hold a special meeting Monday, September 28 at 6:30 pm. The next regular meeting of the Board will be Monday, October 12 at 6:30 pm.