March 13, 2020
Dear Pointer Families and Staff —
We have just learned Governor Tony Evers is mandating all of Wisconsin’s K-12 schools close by Wednesday, March 18 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Therefore, please prepare for closure of the Mineral Point Unified School District beginning Wednesday, March 18 (We will plan to have classes Monday and Tuesday). As of now, schools are expected to reopen April 6, but the release said this date is subject to change.
“Closing our schools is not a decision I made lightly, but keeping our kids, our educators, our families and our communities safe is a top priority as we continue our work to respond to and prevent further spread of COVID-19 in Wisconsin,” Evers said in a statement.
We will be in touch regarding virtual learning options and other details as we iron those out in the coming days.
The District is just learning of this news, so we have many questions as well. We will be following the news this weekend and watching for updates from the State.
Thank you very much for your patience and understanding as we work through this unprecedented time together.
Mitch Wainwright
Mineral Point Unified School District