Elementary Principal Matt Renwick, Reading Specialist Rachael Schroeder, Elementary Librarian Micki Uppena, and Instructional Coach Brooke McGraw presented to the School Board Monday night on the most recent Reading Program Evaluation at the elementary.

The elementary is now Schoolwide Title I. Schoolwide Title I is achieved when a certain percentage of families qualify for free/reduced lunch, thereby funding the Title I program with federal dollars.

The group stated the school has much to celebrate and take pride in with regards to the reading program. To follow along with their slides, visit: https://www.haikudeck.com/p/b6bedf31a8/reading-program-evaluation—3920

(Go to the 29 minute mark)

Video link: https://youtu.be/J98BRjtAbDs

Other Business:

— Recognized State Spelling Bee, Herb Kohl Award Winners, and State Wrestling participants. (This begins the meeting)

— Southwest Tech from Fennimore was on hand to share the results from their recent Economic Impact Study. (Go to the 11 minute, 30 second mark)

— An update from architect HSR regarding the elementary project was tabled until next month. The district was scheduled to host its public bid opening Tuesday.

— The Board discussed member salaries. This is an item that is up for a vote at the annual May organizational meeting when the new board is seated following the April election. 

Current Board President Jeff Basting believed the salaries for members should be raised from the current $600 annually to $1000 annually, with more for the President due to increased duties.

(Go to the 53 minute, 45 second mark)

— Superintendent Mitch Wainwright informed the Board the district is updating its pandemic plan to prepare and respond to potential outbreaks. (Go to the one hour, two minute mark)

— The Board approved the hiring of Tony Rill as Weekend Custodian. (Go to the one hour, 24 minute, 30 second mark).

— Approved the credit card statement and bills payable by a 6-0-1 vote (with Basting abstaining). (Go to the one hour, 23 minute, 30 second mark)

— Following closed session, approved by a 7-0 vote the retirement request of Michael Chambers, middle school math teacher, effective at the end of the 2019-20 school year (and the posting of the position).

— The next regularly scheduled meeting will be Monday, April 13 at 6:30 pm.

— Video from the Board’s February 27 special meeting can be found here: https://youtu.be/Cw7LKW0CaeQ