The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its November Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, November 19 at the Pointer Cafe.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Isaac Lindsey
Isaac is the oldest of Matt and Alea Lindsey. Outside of academics, Isaac participates in football, basketball, and baseball. He is a sports anchor on Mineral Point High School’s new daily news broadcast program, “Wake Up Mineral Point.” In addition to anchoring the sports, Isaac is a co-editor for the Media Communication class’ student-run website pointermedia.org where the daily news broadcast is shown. He writes current events for the website and contributes to the overall layout and design. Isaac is also very active in Blue Crew, yearbook, and a forensics captain. He is a two-year member of the National Honor Society. Isaac has also been very active in his church and community volunteering. For the past eight years, Isaac has kept busy traveling all over the U.S. playing AAU basketball. He is blessed to have received a full scholarship to play basketball next year for the University of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Isaac would like to thank his family, grandparents, and aunts and uncles for always being his support and for teaching him to be humble and grateful for everything.
He would like to thank Coach Dan Burreson and Ms. Vickie Dahl for always going the extra mile for him both in and out of the classroom. Their mentoring and belief in Isaac has truly shaped him for his future.
He would like to thank his aunt/English teacher, Mrs. Kristin Staver, for always being there to push him out of his comfort zone in school. She never let him slack off, and it has made a huge impact on the student he has become.
Finally, he wants to congratulate Lily and thank everyone at Mineral Point High School for making his four years the best. He will take all the lessons you have given him to Vegas and hopes to make you all proud!
“I remember meeting Isaac when he was in 5th grade and it was easy to see that he was going to turn into a special young man! I have witnessed his work ethic and determination in the classroom, on the court, and on the field. Isaac has a tremendous future and I am excited for what is ahead of him! Words can’t express my gratitude for his efforts and leadership at MPHS! Best of luck in the future and I look forward to maintaining a friendship with you!” ~ Andy Palzkill, Middle/High School Counselor and Head Football Coach
“Isaac Lindsey has had a kind heart and a sweet demeanor since kindergarten! He entered school as a serious student and always stayed true to his task on hand. Isaac cares about others and it shows. He goes the extra mile and his popularity with all ages (and abilities) shows his kindness towards everyone around him! Our family is so excited to watch him further his education and basketball talent at UNLV! Isaac, always know that Mineral Point is a place you are loved and can always return to! Congratulations on being chosen Student of the Month! Have fun during your senior year and good luck in the future!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“Isaac is goal oriented both in the classroom and athletically. A lot of people set goals, but many are unwilling to do the work. Isaac not only sets goals, but works hard to achieve his goals. He is a great example of a student/athlete. Isaac is also a great teammate. He takes as much pride in the success of his teammates as he does his own. I am looking forward to coaching Isaac in his senior season and also look forward to following his progress at UNLV.” ~ Dan Burreson, High School Social Studies Teacher and Head Boys Basketball Coach
“Although I don’t work with Isaac in the classroom, I wanted to note that whenever he’s in the office he is very polite and respectful. Isaac’s mannerisms never waiver and he continually shows the type of individual he is – one that is well rounded in academics, athletics, and he seems to be a friend to everyone, which is very important. Isaac set a goal at a very young age in basketball and he achieved it by signing his letter of intent to play for UNLV. I’m sure he’s already planning ahead for his next goal which there’s no doubt his family and this community will be rooting for him all the way.” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“Isaac’s success as an athlete at MPHS has been well documented. Isaac is a three sport athlete. When he graduates in May 2020 he will have earned 12 varsity letters, which is the most letters an athlete can earn at MPHS. Isaac also excels academically. He has a 4.0 GPA and is a member of the National Honor Society. Isaac is a leader in the classroom and on the playing field. He has served as a captain in football, basketball, and baseball, along with serving as a class officer. One of Isaac’s greatest attributes is being a role model for all of our students. He is a true student/athlete. For all of his success he has remained kind, gracious and humble. I look forward to following Isaac’s collegiate career!” ~ Vickie Dahl, Middle School Principal and Middle/High School Athletic Director
“Isaac, you truly are a one of a kind leader within our school. As you finish your senior year at Mineral Point I look forward to seeing how you continue to develop as a student, leader, role model, and mentor for those around you and the younger generation that looks up to you. Congratulations on making your dream of playing college basketball come true, as we all know that you have put in your time and effort to do so. Remember that the attributes that have helped you get this far will carry over to the next level. Best of luck with your future.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“Psychologist Dr. Barbara Low wrote, ‘Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return, and you’ll never be disappointed.’ Mr. Isaac Lindsey lives this motto. One of the things I love about Isaac is when you ask a teacher about who he is, not once does the conversation open with ‘amazing athlete.’ It always opens with ‘He is such a kind and humble young man.’ I have always loved how Isaac makes it his number one priority to make everyone feel special and included. Along with being kind and caring, Isaac is creative, talented, outgoing, and intelligent (he must get it from his aunt). We are very proud of all of your accomplishments in and out of the classroom and can’t wait to see what the next journey brings.” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
Lily Wong
Lily Wong was born in Janesville, Wisconsin and is the daughter of Matt Michalski and Bik Wong. She lived in Whitewater with her parents and older brother Milo for the first six years of her life. In 2008, Lily transferred to Darlington Elementary School and stayed there through fourth grade. She started fifth grade in Mineral Point, and it has been a positive change in her life.
Throughout high school, Lily has been involved in several clubs and activities. She is currently serving as the Key Club Vice President and FBLA President. She is also a part of Math Team, National Honor Society, and the Pointer Alliance. Additionally, she has been working as a cashier at Point Foods since she was a freshman. All this has taught her the value of hard work and how to interact with the public.
Next year, Lily will attend the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities to study architecture. She hopes to eventually earn a master’s degree so that she can become a licensed architect. At this time, Lily would like to congratulate Isaac on his nomination as Student of the Month. She wishes him well in his future plans. She would also like to thank all the teachers who put in so much effort to help her succeed. Finally, Lily would like to thank her family for their love and support. She would not be the person she is without them.
“There is not a student that I have worked with in my career that can outwork Lily! She has been challenging herself with the most difficult courses offered at MPHS and through other formats such as Virtual School and dual-enrollment college courses. Best of luck in the future Lily and let me know if I can help you moving forward!” ~ Andy Palzkill, Middle/High School Counselor
“Although I haven’t had much opportunity to cross paths with Lily Wong, I have noticed her many accolades since coming to MIneral Point Schools. Lily, enjoy your senior year! It goes by fast. Congratulations on being named Student of the Month!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“Lily will is always willing to put forth her best effort. Lily is always willing to go the extra mile. She will give you her best effort plus. Quiet leader who leads by example with a strong work ethic.” ~ Dan Burreson, High School Social Studies Teacher
“Lily is a very polite young lady and is very quiet and respectful when she comes in the office. This year I have seen her step out of her shell as she became one of the emcees for Homecoming. Being involved in so many things in high school will give Lily the advantage she needs as she heads for college. She is not one to be afraid to go after what she wants, which is why she is successful in whatever she does. Good luck, Lily, with the rest of your senior year. Go out and do great things!” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“To describe Lily, one could use a multitude of words, such as accomplished, gifted, and innovative, but the word that stands out the most to me is genuine. I would use this word because throughout the short time that I have known Lily she is always giving her best effort within the classroom, putting in extra time to discover the details, is always willing to lend a helping hand to others, is kind, and is a leader amongst her peers in many different ways. Congratulations Lily and best wishes as you continue towards the next chapter of your journey.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“Lily is thoughtful, polite, and greets everyone with a warm smile. She is quiet, yet a strong leader by example. She has a strong work ethic and takes responsibility for her learning. She does not seek accolades for her achievements, but should take great pride in all that she has accomplished. Lily has been an active FBLA member all four years in high school and serves as our chapter president this year. She has excelled in competition at the Regional level and has qualified for State level all three years so far! Congratulations, Lily, as November Student of the Month and best wishes for a bright future! “ ~ Kip Bakken, Middle/High School Business Teacher
“‘A fool is known by his speech and a wise man by silence,’ Pythagoras. Miss Lily Wong is the perfect example of a wise, quiet soul. I quite honestly can say she is one of the brightest students I have had the pleasure to work with throughout my thirty-year teaching career. Not only is she extremely intelligent – she is creative, dependable, and caring. Lily is serving as one of the Blue Crew officers this year. I have loved watching this role push Lily out of her quiet comfort zone. Naturally, she has excelled at this too and had no problem emceeing the Homecoming festivities. I will truly miss her next year but am so excited to watch her bright future unfold!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher