Miranda Oellerich and Karissa Deutsch
The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its May Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, May 7 at the Pointer Cafe. These are the final Students of the Month for the 2018-19 school year.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Karissa Deutsch
Karissa Deutsch is the daughter of Jim and Marie Deutsch. She has lived in and been a student at Mineral Point her entire life. Karissa has three older brothers Jamie, Allen, and Lance. She has six nieces and one nephew.
Karissa has enjoyed being involved in art club, volleyball, and yearbook, and has worked numerous jobs throughout high school. She has always been deeply involved in the arts and won the art award during her sophomore year. Karissa got her first job working at Betty’s Drive-In, a popular ice-cream burger joint, where she served as a waitress at the age of 14. She loved talking to all the customers that came in and enjoyed getting to know the regulars. When Betty’s closed, she started working at the Pointer Cafe which is also owned by Suzy Moen as was Betty’s. After working there for a year, she started working at Wal-Mart as a cashier. Although she loved her new job, she missed all of the community members she used to see on a daily basis at both of the restaurants.
During the summer when she is not busy working, Karissa enjoys canoeing, tubing, swimming, fishing, berry picking, morel hunting, and photography. She loves being outside enjoying nature.
Karissa is planning on attending Southwest Tech to study for a career in graphic web design.
The middle and high school art teacher, Mrs. Lesley Macaulay, has greatly influenced Karissa during her time at Mineral Point. She inspired Karissa to be herself and has helped boost her creativity over the years. Karissa would like to thank all of the teachers she has had from elementary through high school. She would also like to thank all of the other wonderful staff members she sees when passing through the hallways every day. She is thankful for all the support she receives from her community. She would also like to thank her parents for their constant love and support. She is very grateful for this opportunity and would also like to congratulate Miranda.
“It has been a pleasure to work with Karissa over the past six years! She has demonstrated an outstanding work ethic and has become an excellent student at MPHS. More impressive, is the fact that Karissa is a wonderful person! We will miss her presence in the halls next year and I wish her the best as she prepares to graduate and move forward in her life!” ~ Andy Palzkill, Middle/High School Counselor
“Karissa Deutsch was a quiet kindergartner with a shy smile. As I watched her grow into a beautiful young lady with a bright outlook, I can’t help but smile and think of her as a little girl. It is so exciting to see her recognized for her accomplishments in high school! Congratulations, Karissa! Good luck next year! Stand proud every day!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“I greatly enjoyed having Karissa in my Geometry and Advanced Algebra classes. While shy and quiet at times, she always worked extremely hard and entered the classroom each day with a beautiful smile and hello. Best wishes for a wonderful future!” ~ Cindi Nothem, High School Math Teacher
“Karissa’s bumper sticker on her car says ‘The Queen of Late.’ I usually park behind her every day in the lot at school, and sometimes, she even passes me on her way to work at Wal-Mart in Dodgeville when I’m headed home. While I can’t confirm this makes her the ‘Queen of Late,’ I can say she is a very hard worker who is conscientious and wants to do her best. This is evident, even with her biography she wrote for today as she shared it with multiple staff members to gain feedback on how she could improve her writing. Not being afraid of criticism is an important life skill and shows her willingness to grow. Karissa isn’t the student who will necessarily have the spotlight, but she is steadfast and dependable. Her friendly smile in the hallways, or ease of making conversation with others, are qualities that make her personable and approachable. People know she is sincere, helpful, and kind. She is a pleasure to know.” ~ Joelle Doye, Communications Director
“I can’t believe the shy young girl that I once knew will now be graduating high school. You have come so far in the past four years, not only with your artistic talent but your leadership skills as well. Every time I challenged you a bit more or pushed you a little harder, it was all because I knew you could do it. Now, look at where you’re at, ready to go to college with this beautiful and creative mind that will do wonderful things. You have worked so hard to become the artist you are now; please do not give up on your talent. You have such a kind heart and I truly believe that wherever your future takes you, you will be successful. Enjoy these last few weeks of your senior year, work hard and have fun, it all goes by so fast.” ~ Lesley Macaulay, Middle/High School Art Teacher
Miranda Oellerich
Miranda would like to start out with congratulating her classmate, Karissa, with also being named May’s Kiwanis Student of the Month. She would also like to thank her teachers and the Mineral Point Kiwanis for giving her this opportunity.
Miranda grew up in the small town of Mineral Point and was raised by her loving parents Betty and Jay Oellerich. Since a young age, Miranda looked up to her brother, Tarek, as her biggest role model.
Throughout high school, Miranda kept busy by playing softball and volleyball during the spring and fall, and during the summer she works as a head lifeguard at the pool.
Miranda cares not only about sports, but also about school. As a junior, Miranda was honored with being selected to be on National Honor Society. That was just one academic achievement. She also was selected by Mrs. Kristin Staver to be Blue Crew President and this gave her a position on the student body.
When Miranda is not working at her job or on school work, she enjoys going to the lake, camping, hanging out with friends, road trips, shopping, and going on vacation.
Miranda is upset that high school is over, but is excited for the future. The past four years of her life have been ones she will never forget. Miranda will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Platteville and pursuing a degree in Psychology. She would like to give another thank you to all of you for giving her this opportunity. Thank you.
“I haven’t had much time to get to know Miranda, but she has been in my advisory this past year. She’s a really good role model for the underclassman in our group, when we did discussions at the beginning of the year she didn’t hesitate to share out and that made others feel more comfortable to speak up and share their thoughts. When I walk by Miranda in the hallway she always smiles and says hi to me, and she always communicates with me if she’s going to miss advisory.” ~ Callie Gundlach, High School Special Education Teacher
“Miranda Oellerich continues to show her kindness to others, just as she did in kindergarten! She has a caring attitude which shines through in her actions towards those groups with special needs, such as children, students with special needs and the elderly. I am excited to see Miranda as she matures to adulthood as I am certain her successes will be many! Congratulations, Miranda! Keep that caring outlook! Good luck in the future!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“Thank you, Miranda, for being a wonderful leader of the student body. You school spirit, enthusiasm, and love of being a Pointer is a great inspiration for your peers and our younger Pointers. I am confident that you are destined for great things as you head to UW-Platteville in the fall. I hope you enjoy being a Pioneer just as much as you have enjoyed being a Pointer! Best wishes.” ~ Cindi Nothem, High School Math Teacher
“Miranda is the type of student you would want to represent Mineral Point. She is kind, empathetic, hard-working, and an all-around good person. I have seen her extend friendship to students, lend her voice to important causes, pitch in and help whenever there is a need. Miranda has left a positive, and lasting impact on the school. She will be missed next year but I know she will take those same qualities with her and have the same results no matter where she goes.” Mitch Wainwright, Superintendent and High School Principal
“‘She’s an old soul with young eyes, a vintage heart, and a beautiful mind.’ My favorite nickname for Miss Miranda has been ‘Little Betty’ since she was in elementary school taking care of her older brother and his buddies. She is absolutely one of the most responsible, mature young ladies I have worked with. I have had the pleasure of working closely with Miranda in the classroom, in yearbook, and in Blue Crew. Miranda has served as the Blue Crew president this year, and, I say with complete confidence, that she has been the best MPHS has. Mr. Wainwright and I could sleep at night knowing she had the mind of a responsible adult when it came to social media promotion. That being said, I don’t know where her future will take her, but she definitely already has a jump on an extremely successful marketing career. ‘Maturity is not when we start speaking big things…it is when we start understanding small things.’ My ‘Little Betty’ you have always understood the small things. I will miss your cheerful morning greeting next year more than you will know. Good luck, Sweet Girl!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher