The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its January Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, January 15 at the Pointer Cafe.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Matthew Berg
Matthew Berg has lived with his parents, Sarah and Paul, his sister Megan and his brother Josh in Mineral Point his whole life. He would like to thank the Kiwanis and the teachers at Mineral Point High School for giving him the honor of being Student of the Month. He would also like to congratulate his Co-Student of the Month, McKenna Reichling.
During the school year, Matthew is involved in a number of extracurricular activities. These include Mock Trial, Math Team, Future Business Leaders of America, Key Club, and Youth Group. All of these clubs have given Matthew opportunities to learn new things and meet new people. Future Business Leaders of America has been an especially large influence on Matthew. He has been in the club for four years and has been the treasurer for the past three years. With the guidance of Mrs. Kip Bakken, FBLA has taught Matthew the value of hard work. Outside of school, Matthew enjoys playing hockey and golf. Matthew has participated in hockey with the Dodgeville Ice Wolves ever since he was six years old. He cannot believe that it is already his final season, but he is looking for opportunities to play intramural hockey in the future. When first starting golf, Matthew did not like it that well, but after some practice, he has found great pleasure in it. He particularly likes to golf with his dad, grandpa, and brother.
In high school, Matthew has enjoyed taking business, math, and science courses. These courses tend to be challenging and have very interesting subject matter. This year, Matthew took Music & Culture with Mr. Matt Nevers believing that he might not like it, but unexpectedly it could be his favorite class that he has ever enrolled in.
Matthew is planning on attending UW-Madison next year. He has not decided on a major yet, and is not near choosing one. He would like to thank all of his teachers for helping him throughout high school and he would also like to thank his parents for all the support they have given him.
“Matthew is such a quiet individual at school. He excels in the classroom and is an excellent role model for our students. He accepts challenges in the classroom and performs to the best of his abilities. He is ready for a future, and it looks very bright.” ~ Mitch Wainwright, Interim Superintendent and High School Principal
“Matthew Berg has been a serious student from day one. I’m certain he will continue to accomplish many goals in his future by relying on all the skills he has achieved in Mineral Point Schools. Congratulations on being Student of the Month! Good luck in the future, Matthew! It’s been fun watching you grow up!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“While I have not had the opportunity to work with Matthew much, this semester he joined my college level Music and Culture Class. Students in this class are enrolled through UW-Oshkosh and earn three undergraduate college credits. This is a rigorous course, and it involves a lot of studying to prepare for exams. Matthew has done a tremendous job. He is constantly on top of everything required for the course and earns near perfect scores on the exams, which are unheard of. Matthew comes to class prepared to learn everyday, and I have never heard a complaint come out of him; an admirable quality in a person, especially as the class is almost solely note taking. It has been a pleasure to get to know Matthew this past semester, and I look forward to seeing where he goes in the future.” ~ Matt Nevers, High School Music Teacher
“I very much enjoyed having Matthew in my Geometry and Advanced Algebra classes! His quiet sense of humor and innate math ability made every day in class a fun adventure! I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for him. Best wishes, Matthew!” ~ Cindi Nothem, High School Math Teacher
“I have had the pleasure of getting to know Matthew Berg and seeing him grow and mature from two perspectives: one as his teacher and the other as a family friend. As a student and valued FBLA member and officer, Matthew is dedicated, hardworking, and strives to do his best in everything he attempts. He is eager to learn and takes responsibility for that learning. He expects excellence from himself and doesn’t seek accolades for his achievements. Matthew, be proud of your success! You’ve worked hard and deserve it! On a more personal note, Matthew has been like a son to me since elementary school. It has been a joy to watch him grow over the years. It’s hard to believe that the little kid we hosted for birthday parties, sleepovers, and other fun times has grown into a young man ready to head off to college and make his own way. Remember, there’s no limit to what you can do. Believe in yourself! I wish you the best in this next chapter.” ~ Kip Bakken, Business Teacher
McKenna Reichling
McKenna would like to begin by congratulating her classmate, Matthew Berg, for also being selected as January’s Student of the Month. She would also like to thank Mineral Point’s Kiwanis for allowing her to be apart of such an honor.
McKenna grew up on a big farm outside of Mineral Point with her three siblings, Whitney, Myles, and Ryan, along with her parents, Pat and Diane. Her childhood consisted of raising and showing livestock at the Iowa County Fair, playing basketball nonstop, and messing around on the farm with her siblings. In addition, McKenna would voluntarily undergo her older sister’s pretend procedures and checkups when she was younger. Whitney, who was practicing to become a registered nurse, would take McKenna’s vitals along with some of her blood. Somehow, this inspired McKenna to follow in her sister’s footsteps. Once her high school years came forward, McKenna began to think more seriously about nursing. Her first big step was receiving her Certified Nursing Assistant license from Southwest Tech. She is now working at Upland Hills Health nursing home and has stated that “it has been such an amazing opportunity that has opened my eyes to a new world.” She plans on becoming a registered nurse while inspiring and speaking to others about mental health. After her older brother’s recent death, McKenna has made it her goal to help others who are fighting a battle against mental illness. McKenna plans on attending Edgewood College in Madison to pursue a major in nursing and a minor in psychology.
Currently, McKenna is involved in many school activities. She has participated in Forensics, Key Club, volleyball, and FFA all four years of high school. She has also been a member of Student Council all four years and is currently the Senior Class President and a member of National Honor Society. In addition, McKenna joined the Mock Trial team that went to state for the first time last year. However, her biggest passion is basketball. McKenna has received a varsity letter in basketball all four years, contributed in winning a state championship, awarded All-Conference titles, and won two conference championships. Furthermore, when she’s not on the court, McKenna works hard in class. She has received high academic honors all four years of high school. McKenna says she is grateful for all of her experiences and the friendships made through her high school years.
Finally, McKenna would like to give a big thanks to all of her teachers. She says, “they were a big part of my success at Mineral Point and gave me the confidence I have now.” She would like to thank Mrs. Cindi Nothem especially for challenging, guiding, and supporting McKenna through the most difficult part of her life. “Her door was always open if I needed to talk. She was always so supportive and was willing to listen to all of my problems,” McKenna says. McKenna would also like to thank her parents, community, and peers who have given her support and motivation over the past 18 years.
“McKenna Reichling is a kind, sweet girl. If you can be outgoing with a hint of shyness, that’s what makes me think of McKenna. When there’s a competition, she’s always been a go-getter. When you meet her, you’d never guess the fire she carries inside for a competitive event. Congratulations on being Student of the Month! Keep the fire, McKenna! Good luck in the future!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“‘It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up,’ Babe Ruth. This quote jumps out at me when I think of McKenna. Anyone who knows this girl and has seen her in action knows that she gives 110% to absolutely everything she does. She is truly one of the most driven and organized student-athletes I have had the pleasure to teach, coach, and advise. One of her most appreciated qualities by me is her follow through; If I ask McKenna to complete a task, large or small, she has it done before I even think to ask again. I will absolutely miss her next year but am excited to watch her bright future unfold.” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
“What a wonderful student leader McKenna has been during her time at Mineral Point High School. From participating in multiple volunteer opportunities such as the Family Reading Night at the elementary school to her role as Senior Class president, McKenna gives 110% to all that she does. She is enthusiastic, kind, and determined to be successful. McKenna, you will be greatly missed, but I am confident that you are destined for greatness! I hope that you enjoy every minute of your last semester here at MPHS.” ~ Cindi Nothem, High School Math Teacher
“McKenna has grown into a very confident leader and is ready to take on any challenge that stands in her way. It has been a pleasure working with her and watching her struggle and grow. She takes advantage of opportunities when they present themselves. When she faced an unbelievable tragedy, she came out an even stronger person willing to get back up after being knocked down. This is a sign of a true champion. McKenna is an outstanding role model and will be missed at MPHS next year but is ready for her next adventure.” ~ Mitch Wainwright, Interim Superintendent and High School Principal