The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its November Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, November 6 at the Pointer Cafe.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Megan Berg
Megan Berg has lived in Mineral Point her whole life with her parents, Sarah and Paul Berg, her twin brother Matthew, and her older brother Josh. She would like to start by congratulating Caden on being honored here today and thanking the Kiwanis for hosting the luncheon and the teachers that noticed her hard work and voted for her.
Megan enjoys school and can’t believe how fast her senior year is going by. She has participated in many activities over the past four years including the Mineral Point Youth Group, National Honor Society, the Book Club, and Key Club and has been the Secretary of the Key Club for the past three years.
Some people might perceive Megan as an enigma or someone who is reserved and shy, but if you pay attention, you will find her true self through her many passions, like music. In band, Megan plays the French Horn for concert band, the mellophone for marching band and pep band, and the trumpet for jazz band. She is also in choir and annually attends solo and ensemble competitions. Megan has gone to State Solo and Ensemble for a French Horn duet and two singing solos. Singing stemmed Megan’s love for performing, and pushed her towards musical theatre. This is Megan’s fourth year being in the high school musical. Last year she played Fiona in “Shrek,” and this year she will be playing Queen Aggravain in “Once Upon a Mattress.” She hopes to see you all there next weekend.
When she’s not the busiest person in the world, as Caden Carey calls her, she is a wrestling cheerleader. She has been on the cheer squad since her Sophomore year, and she loves cheering for amazing wrestlers like Caden Carey. Soccer has been one of the biggest aspects of Megan’s life. She is the captain of the Dodge-Point United varsity soccer team and is a two-time first team All-Conference player. Although soccer is an underappreciated sport in Mineral Point, she wouldn’t trade it for anything else. In the summer, Megan is the head coach of the Mineral Point Swim Team. Megan began swimming at a very young age and has swam in USA Swimming meets where she competed in the 200 Butterfly.
Some of Megan’s other hobbies include drawing, painting, and ice skating. Megan loves creating art and basically grew up at the ice rink. If there’s one thing you should know about Megan, it’s that she puts her whole heart into everything she does. Even the little things, like writing a page and a half biography in the third person.
Megan is unsure of where she will be going to college in the fall, but she hopes to be attending UW-Madison and pursue a degree in Biology. She would like to thank all of her teachers, especially her science teachers Mr. Matt Austin and Mr. Tom Steger, and her music teachers Ms. Ashley McHugh and Mr. Matt Nevers. She would also like to thank her parents for always being there to support her. Even though Megan is the epitome of independent, she loves that her parents are always there to see her succeed. She would like to give one last thanks to everybody who helped her get here today.
“I truly enjoyed Megan as a wrestling cheerleader for three years. She is a very caring young lady and a hard worker. She is able to juggle many hats and stay on top of it all. I wish her all the best in the future,” Judy Pelton, Instructional Assistant
“Megan Berg serves as captain on our varsity soccer team. She works hard in this role and does a great job bringing her teammates together. She is an effective communicator and is someone who I rely on to keep our team focused during practices and games. Megan is also a skilled player who holds herself accountable for her level of play and her attitude on and off the field. She is honest and direct about the performance of the group she is a part of, a personality trait that will be a great benefit to her in the future. I’m looking forward to our season and seeing her further develop her skills as a leader.” Erik Bakken, Head Girls Soccer Coach
“During my time with her as a student, Megan has come to take on a leadership role in the choral and musical theatre programs. She always comes to rehearsals prepared, ready to work, and with a charismatic attitude. She regularly serves as a role model for her peers in her desire to improve, ability to focus, and patience and thoughtfulness towards others. In all of our tours as an ensemble and musical community events that she has volunteered for, I have always been able to rely on Megan to represent the school and program in a positive light. Throughout her high school career, she earned a wide array of choral awards, competed at both district and state levels, and has represented the MPHS vocal program in varying choral festivals across Wisconsin. For our musical theatre productions of “The Addams’ Family,” “Shrek the Musical,” and “Once Upon a Mattress,” Megan has taken on a variety of characters and challenges and is balancing her many interests and commitments with ease. Already, her hard work, artistic skills, and team mentality are major contributing factors to the success of this year’s show! I have enjoyed witnessing her balance and grow within her multi-faceted interests over the last few years. Her caring personality, work ethic, creativity, self-motivation, and determination will take her far in college and life, and has left quite a mark on our school, community, and music program as a whole,” Ashley McHugh, Middle/High School Choir Teacher
“I have known Megan since she has been in 6th grade band. Watching Megan grow as a musician these past six years has been so much fun. She has gone from a quiet, insecure 6th grade French Horn player to a strong and confident player. In class, Megan strives to be the best as possible. She is a natural leader, and a wonderful student. Congratulations on being student of the month,” Matt Nevers, Middle/High School Band Teacher
“Megan was always such a sweet young lady, and always wore a sweet smile on her face. Megan has flourished into a beautiful young lady with so much talent. Best of luck to you Megan as you make your way through life. I know you will do well,” Carmen McDonald, Kindergarten Teacher
“Megan Berg has been a quiet young lady from the beginning of getting to know her. She has been successful in music and it has been a joy watching her mature. Good luck, Megan! Congratulations on being the student of the month,” Jill McGuire Kindergarten Teacher
“It has been a pleasure getting to know Megan these past four years. She is very kind and supportive of her peers, and she is incredibly hardworking in the classroom. I believe that the future shines very bright for Megan, and I can’t wait to see what it brings for her!” Cindi Nothem, High School Math Teacher
“Whenever I see Megan, she is always smiling and busy! Her high school years have been filled with activities, friends, and energy. A quote that sticks in my mind is ‘Life is like a camera–focus on what’s important–capture the good times–develop from the negatives–if things don’t work out, take another shot.’ Continue to be yourself, Megan, and enjoy your senior year,” Lifka Bennett, Retired 5th Grade Teacher
Caden Carey
Caden Carey, son of Shane and Tori Carey. He was born at Upland Hills Hospital in 2001 and grew up in Mineral Point. He is the oldest of four kids at age 17, next being his brother Colbi at age 15, his sister Cylin at age 12, and his youngest sister Cambrey at age 9. He has a cat named Mittens, and recently his dreams came true when about a month ago, he was able to get his first puppy. He asked, begged, and pleaded for years before he got a pomsky puppy named Scout.
He can’t believe that his last year at Mineral Point High School is slowly ticking away. His senior year has and will continue to be something cherished by him forever. Over the past four years, he has participated in Key Club, FFA, Science Club, National Honor Society, Youth Group, and is currently serving as the Skills USA president at MPHS.
Caden enjoys many things such as tubing, skiing, boating, and spending time with family and friends. Caden is a three sport athlete, participating in football, golf, and wrestling. He has been a state qualifier in wrestling for the past two years and placed 5th at 113 pounds his sophomore year.
During Caden’s senior year there has been and will be a lot of very sad endings and lasts, but one “last” he won’t mind is having to type so many application essays to colleges. He is still determining which college he would like to attend, but Caden is confident right now that his studies will be taking place in the medical field, preparing him to become a nurse, and eventually a nurse practitioner.
Caden would like to thank all the teachers for not only for the knowledge of vertical asymptotes and balanced equations, but for being there for the last 14 years. Caden has leaned on his teachers to get him through many ups and downs and creating lasting memories. He would also like everyone to make note that he is a very warm hearted and emotional person. This is just a forewarning to all knowing graduation is imminent.
Caden would also like to congratulate his good friend Megan for also being honored as Student of the Month. He would also like to thank the school staff for voting for him to be present today, and also the Kiwanis for honoring them. He would finally like to thank his family for everything they have done for him and especially his mom who has done so much for him, most of which goes unnoticed. Today he is saying thank you for all those unnoticed things. He thanks and loves all of you so much! Sincerely, Caden
“I am very proud of Caden. I have watched him grow into a wonderful, kind, and inspirational young man. His leadership skills in clubs, sports, and school are outstanding. He works hard to stay on high honors. Caden is always conscientious of other people’s feelings and will make a great nurse, or whatever he puts his mind to,” Judy Pelton, Instructional Assistant
“What a pleasure watching Caden grow into a mature leader. He is willing to stand up for what is right, even when it isn’t always the most popular thing to do around friends or classmates. He is dedicated to making our school a better place and is willing to put in the hard work to get us there. I know he will be successful when he leaves us, and we will be proud to have worked with him at MPHS,” Mitch Wainwright, Interim Superintendent and High School Principal
“Caden was always such a sweet little boy. Even today when he sees me he always has a great big smile, a happy greeting or a hug. Kids like Caden don’t come along every day. You never forget them. Caden will do well in life because he has a go get ’em, positive attitude. Best of luck Caden! I know you will have lots of success in your future,” Carmen McDonald, Kindergarten Teacher
“Caden Carey is what we all want our student/child to grow up and be like. He is a role model to everyone, dedicated to anything he participates in, always willing to lend a hand, and supportive to anyone who needs it. As a staff member, he can read our moods and respond accordingly. He is an outstanding example of a student role model. Every school needs a young man like this,” Sue Gollon, Library Assistant
“Caden Carey is a sweet, kind young man. While in kindergarten and beyond, he has been the kind of boy who remembered to be considerate of others and their feelings. He has constantly included others and been a voice to those without the will to stick up for themselves. It has been a pleasure watching him grow into the studious, successful young man he is today. Congratulations and Good Luck, Caden,” Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“How lucky I am to have Caden Carey as a friend and former student. His accomplishments are endless, and his senior year holds many more to come. Caden has always stayed focused while surrounding himself with good people. As he looks back over his high school years, Caden will realize these happened because of his ‘can-do’ attitude. When taking on challenges, Caden was an example to all, especially the younger children. I, along with others, enjoy watching him as he converses with the children that idolize him, including his own siblings. If there is a baby in the area, Caden will have it in his arms. To see a high school student have that much love and passion for others is what makes Caden so special. He always takes the time to let others know he cares. Numerous times over the years, I have sent Caden cards to congratulate him. A few days later, I would receive a thank you card back from him. That sums up Caden–humble, compassionate, and gracious. It is known that great students are raised by great parents. Congratulations to Caden and his family,” Lifka Bennett, Retired 5th Grade Teacher
“A role model is defined as ‘a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated.’ Caden Carey is just that, a role model. He is kind and empathetic. He is conscientious and confident. He is trustworthy and responsible. And, he is definitely one of my son’s favorite people! Caden is exactly the type of person that I want Clayton to look up to and aspire to be. Caden – it has been wonderful getting to be a part of your journey through both school and wrestling, and I couldn’t be prouder of your accomplishments,” Cindi Nothem, High School Math Teacher