Front Row L to R: Zoe Hay, Zula Flanary, Chloe Oberhauser, Skylar Martin, Keira Schrank, Rita Wilson, Alayna McCarville, advisor- Kipalee Bakken. Back Row L to R: Milo Wong, Jacob Wedig, Matthew Berg, Karsten Bakken, Katie Wilson, Hans Miller, Curtis Cox, Abi Callaway, Danielle Blum, Cole Wilson, Caden Jackson.
The Mineral Point High School Future Business Leaders of America competed successfully in the Regional Leadership Conference. There are over 70 business events with everything from Agribusiness to Word Processing to choose from, and competition formats from online and in-person objective tests, to presentation events to fit members’ interests and schedules.
The eighteen members pictured traveled to Ithaca High School on Saturday, February 3 to compete in their in-person business events. The online event competition for many of the FBLA members in Region 4 took place previously on January 11.
The Mineral Point FBLA Chapter earned 6th place out of 31 schools and an Outstanding Chapter Award! Last year, MPHS was middle of the pack at 15th and the year before 21st.
Congratulations to the following twelve FBLA members who will advance to State Leadership held in La Crosse on April 9 and 10:
1st– Karsten Bakken-Business Law
1st– Zoe Hay, Zula Flanary, and Katie Wilson-Emerging Business Issues
2nd– Keira Schrank-Introduction to Information Technology
3rd– Rita Wilson-Introduction to Information Technology
3rd– Hans Miller-Insurance and Risk Management
3rd– Lily Wong-Introduction to FBLA
3rd– Garrett Ward-Securities and Investments
3rd– Skylar Martin, Chloe Oberhauser, and Ivy Lawinger-Social Media Campaign
The following FBLA members also placed in their events:
4th– Mitchell Schaaf and Matthew Berg-Publication Design
4th– Jacob Moellers-Personal Finance
4th– Caden Jackson-Job Interview
5th– Alayna McCarville-Accounting
5th– Cole Wilson-Public Speaking
6th– Michaela Acherman and Dana Schmitz-Hospitality Management
6th– Sydney Owens-Journalism
7th– Curtis Cox-Accounting
7th– Jacob Wedig-Business Calculations
7th– Sean Wahlin-Cyber Security
8th– Danielle Blum and Abigail Callaway-Marketing
“Regional Leadership Conference was a great learning experience for the Mineral Point FBLA members. I am so proud of the effort and dedication shown by our members in preparing for their events! Congratulations to those advancing to State Leadership Conference in April!” Kip Bakken, FBLA Advisor and Business Education Teacher.