Amanda Murphy and Jacob Wedig
The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its October Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, October 17 at the Pointer Cafe.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Amanda Murphy
Amanda has lived in Mineral Point her whole life. She has grown up with her younger sister, Haily, who’s a freshman, and her younger brother, Max, who’s in 7th grade.
Amanda is involved in many extracurricular activities. Her favorite activity to do is basketball. Amanda has played basketball for as long as she can remember. She loved playing in the Junior Hoopers tournament every year until 8th grade, then being able to play high school ball. She is also involved in Skills USA, FFA, football cheerleading, and is a member of the National Honor Society. She is also part of Youth Group. Youth Group is an organization that helps people in poverty. Students in Youth Group work all year to raise money to go on this summer trip. Amanda has been involved in Youth Group all throughout her high school career and has traveled to places such as Washington DC, Minneapolis, and Denver. She also plans to do it this year, too.
Amanda has been a full time babysitter in the summer for the past two years. She also plans to work this summer, too. Being a babysitter has taught Amanda a lot about life. She has learned how to be a responsible, trustworthy person. She has to make sure the kids get to all of their activities on time and her boss needs to trust that she does these things.
For Amanda’s future goals, she plans to pursue a career in the medical field. She is not sure where she would like to attend college yet, but she is hoping it will be either UW-La Crosse or UW-Madison.
A teacher that has always influenced Amanda is Mrs. Kristin Staver. Amanda is always so impressed with everything she takes on and how she handles being so busy all of the time. She does so much for a lot of different clubs and activities for our school, along with having her own family’s activities.
Amanda would like to congratulate Jacob Wedig for also being selected as Student of the Month and would also like to thank the Kiwanis Club for honoring her.
“I’m lucky to be able to congratulate Miss Amanda Murphy as October’s Student of the Month! Amanda’s attention to detail and hard working attitude serves her well as a student and athlete at Mineral Point Schools. We all wish the Homecoming Queen luck in her future endeavors! Have a great senior year, Amanda!” Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher.
“Amanda has been doing very well utilizing my feedback to improve her work in AP English. If she is unclear on an assignment, she asks for guidance and she is not afraid to do so.” Brittany Roscovius, High School English Teacher.
“Attitude is a magnet; what you think is what you attract. This is exactly why Miss Amanda Murphy is always surrounded by positivity. I have had the pleasure of not only teaching Amanda, but being her advisor and coach in different arenas. Amanda could be one of the most caring individuals I have worked with. She truly puts other people’s happiness before herself. As odd as this may sound, I actually enjoyed when Amanda struggled with a concept in class because she is so tenacious in her work that it was a pleasure to literally see the light bulb turn on. Her energetic, outgoing personality is contagious. One of the coolest things about being a teacher, coach, and advisor at the high school level is seeing what these kids move on to become. Amanda is one of those kids – there is no limit!” Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher.
Jacob Wedig
Jacob Wedig was raised in the city of Mineral Point his entire life. He is the son of Peter and Kim Wedig. He has two younger brothers named Jared and Jaxon and has one younger sister named Jenna. Jenna is a high school sophomore, Jared is an 8th grader, and Jaxon is a 3rd grader, all of which attend the Mineral Point School District.
Jacob is very involved in his school and other activities, his favorite of which is being the current captain of the Dodge-Point varsity soccer team. Jacob has played for the soccer team for four years now. He is also the vice president of the Skills USA club and has attended the club’s state conference the past two years. In addition, he participates in Dodge-Point track and field, math team, Spanish club, Future Business Leaders of America, and is a member of National Honor Society. Jacob was also honored with the title of Student of the Year for the sophomore class.
Jacob has put the value of hard work in his everyday life. He currently works at the Pit Stop and has been there for three years now. He also mows lawns and other various tasks for many different employers. These year-round jobs outside of school have given him the necessary attitude to understand what is coming in the future. He puts pride in his work to save money up to pay for his later education and to understand what it is like to work for something yourself.
Outside of school, Jacob enjoys learning about maintaining and fixing cars, fishing with his brothers, and kayaking with his friends. He also enjoys exercising and playing sports outside with friends.
After high school, he plans to attend UW-Platteville to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering.
Jacob would like to recognize both of his high school math teachers, Mrs. Cindi Nothem and Mr. Ben McWilliams, as his most influential teachers. Their excitement for math is part of the reason why he wants to pursue the field of engineering. Their knowledge of mathematics is outstanding and unparalleled. They are also always able to help during and after school hours, even if it is inconvenient for them.
Jacob would also like to thank the Kiwanis for being selected and honored as Student of the Month and would like to congratulate Amanda Murphy with being selected as well.
“I’m so happy to honor Jacob Wedig as a fine student! Jacob was always a great kindergartner and a knowledgeable guy, from kindergarten on. His hard working attitude has shown through his academics and extra curriculars. I am honored to be able to congratulate Jacob on his Student of the Month nomination. Good luck in the future, Jacob!” Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher.
“Jacob always has a warm smile and a positive attitude. He is a genuine, kind, and respectful young man. He is a great leader and role model for his classmates, teammates, and our younger Pointers. Jacob’s enthusiasm and personality will serve as an asset to him in his future endeavors! I wish him the best of luck!” Kip Bakken, Business Teacher.
“I have the happy duty of coaching Jacob Wedig in boys soccer. Jacob holds himself accountable for his skills, effort, and attitude. In doing so the rest of his team looks to him as a leader. He is, after all, our only captain from Mineral Point. Jacob is respectful to his peers and his coaches and kind to the underclassmen on his team. He listens and asks questions and is curious to learn in every situation that he encounters. His work ethic is exemplary and he is a tremendous role model for his team. He elevates others. What more could a coach ask for in a player?” Erik Bakken, Assistant Boys Soccer Coach.
“Jacob is an excellent contributor to discussions in AP English. He does well both in small and large group discussions,” Brittany Roscovius, High School English Teacher.
“This comment will surely date me, but when I think of a way to describe Jacob it is to say he is literally Richie Cunningham from Happy Days. He is the epitome of the All-American boy: polite, kind, outgoing, funny, and a leader. Teaching and advising Jacob have been a joy. He is a ‘go to’ dependable young man that I have always had complete trust in. Watching his future unfold is going to be so much fun! I can’t wait to be able to tell his kids one day what a sweet boy their dad was – so sweet he could give you a cavity!” Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher.
“Both Amanda and Jacob are respectful, responsible, and role model students!” Amanda Ingwell, Instructional Assistant.