Morgan Fitzsimmons and Destinee Kruser
The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its May Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, May 2 at the Pointer Cafe. These are the final Students of the Month for the 2016-17 school year.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Morgan Fitzsimmons
Morgan was raised in Mineral Point on a dairy farm and is the daughter of Scott and Emily Fitzsimmons. She also has two younger siblings; her sister Katie is currently a Junior at Mineral Point, and her brother, Graham, is a 6th grader at Mineral Point.
Morgan has taken advantage of several opportunities at Mineral Point High School. She is actively involved in the Future Farmers of America chapter and has served as a three-time officer. She has also competed in many speaking contests, career development events such as meat and livestock judging, filled out many supervised agriculture experience award applications and planned and worked local FFA events. Morgan has had the privilege of representing Mineral Point in the National Livestock Judging Contest, and National Veterinary Science Proficiency Award area. She is excited to continue this journey because she is running for Wisconsin State FFA Officer, and hopes to serve on the 2017-18 officer team. Morgan has also been involved in forensics. She has been a four-year member and earned two golds and two silvers at the state contest. She enjoys speaking in front of audiences and presenting. Additionally, Morgan has been a part of the band and played the saxophone, National Honor Society, and the 2013 and 2014 High School Musicals.
Outside of school, Morgan has been an active member in 4-H. She has shown livestock on the local and national level. Morgan shows sheep and pigs through 4-H and has recently added goats into the mix. Livestock is one of her true passions. She is a member of the Pleasant View 4-H Club and served as the 2015 Iowa County 4-H Queen. Morgan has been a 4-H member since she was in 3rd grade. Morgan also works at Military Ridge Veterinary Service where she works as an office assistant. She enjoys doing her part in the clinic to help patients receive proper veterinary care. She also has learned information to aid her interest in the animal industry. Additionally, in her free time, Morgan helps when she can on her family’s dairy farm.
Morgan will be attending Iowa State in Ames, Iowa to pursue a degree in Animal Science. She hopes to attend a school of veterinary medicine in the future, and continue working in the agriculture industry.
Morgan has been greatly influenced by several teachers at Mineral Point High School. One that she has been impacted by is Mr. Mike Robinson, the agriculture instructor and FFA advisor. The extra and late hours of his dedication to the FFA program has allowed Morgan to be successful on many levels. He has helped Morgan to set goals and achieve them. Mr. Robinson’s agriculture classes allowed her to realize she truly wanted to remain in the agriculture industry. Another teacher that has impacted Morgan is Mr. Tom Steger. He has helped Morgan to realize her passion for biology. Mr. Steger’s dedication to teaching has helped Morgan flourish in the classroom and learn more about biology sciences. His classes have lead to Morgan’s choice of an agriculture degree that focuses on science. Morgan owes her passion for science and agriculture to these two teachers. Morgan would also like to genuinely thank the entire faculty of Mineral Point for inspiring her to grow and achieve her goals. She would not be the person she is today without her experiences in the classroom at Mineral Point.
Morgan would like to thank the Kiwanis for this prestigious honor of being named Student of the Month and congratulate Destinee on her achievements and this honor.
“Morgan is an amazing girl with natural leadership skills. Over the past few years, she has worked with the third graders on various Oak Savanna projects. The students enjoy working with her not only because of her pleasant demeanor, but also because of the enthusiasm and positive attitude she brings to every activity. Congratulations on this recognition and all your accomplishments Morgan! We will miss you,” Susan Niehaus, 3rd grade teacher.
“Habitat for Humanity leader Elizabeth Andrews noted in an interview, ‘Volunteers do not necessarily have the time – they have the heart.’ This is a perfect quote to describe Miss Morgan Fitzsimmons. Working on projects with Morgan both in and out of the classroom has always been easier when Morgan is involved. She is the epitome of the ‘can do – will do’ spirit. Most impressive is not only that Morgan is always willing to go the extra mile, it is that she always does it with the best attitude. Her maturity level is another quality that sets her above the average. It is without a doubt that Morgan will truly be successful in the next phase of life. One of the coolest things about being a teacher, coach, advisor at the high school level is seeing what these kids move on to become – Morgan is one of those kids – there is no limit!” Kristin Staver, high school English teacher.
“Morgan has been a joy for me to work with in band for the past seven years! She will be definitely missed upon graduation. In band, Morgan always strives to do her best. She is a very hard worker and a very competent player. Besides concert band, Morgan has participated in saxophone ensemble, woodwind choir, pep band, marching band, as well as jazz band, and has been an integral part to each ensemble. We will miss you in the band program Morgan!” Matt Nevers, band teacher.
“Morgan was in my kindergarten class and a helper from the beginning. Always willing to lend a hand to someone in need, her caring side showed every day. Today she has become an amazing young lady and her desire to serve is abounding. Good luck next year, Morgan! You will do great things!” Jill McGuire, kindergarten teacher.
Destinee Kruser
Destinee moved from Stevens Point to Mineral Point in first grade where she now resides with her mom, Renee.
Mineral Point has given Destinee many opportunities to participate in a variety of clubs such as Blue Crew, Yearbook, and National Honor Society. Destinee was a member of the volleyball team and captain of the basketball team, and she is currently a captain of the softball team. She is the Student Council representative for her class, the Social Media Director of Future Business Leaders of America, and one of the Forensics captains.
Destinee spent the past two summers working at Lands’ End. In her free time, Destinee enjoys spending time with friends and family.
Destinee plans on attending UW-Madison in the fall to pursue a career in Psychology.
During her time at Mineral Point High School, Destinee has had many excellent teachers. Two teachers specifically made the biggest impact on her high school career. The first teacher is Mr. Matt Austin, who is her physics and chemistry teacher and one of her softball coaches. Mr. Austin has pushed Destinee to be her best all throughout high school, and he has helped her tremendously with her academics and athletics. The second teacher who has greatly impacted Destinee is Mrs. Kristin Staver. Mrs. Staver has coached Destinee in many clubs and sports, and she has always been there for Destinee whenever she needed help.
Destinee would like to congratulate Morgan and thank the Kiwanis Club for honoring her as Student of the Month.
“American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once wrote, ‘Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.’ I have had the pleasure of watching Destinee open many gates and wake up a lot of people over the past ten years. Being able to not only teach her but coach and advise her during this time has given me the opportunity to watch her blossom into a confident, successful young lady. In the classroom, I have always appreciated her engaged demeanor; on the playing field, I have always loved her determined, never-back-down presence; finally, on the forensics stage, I have always cherished her willing attitude to push herself outside of her comfort zone. I will truly miss Destinee next year but can’t wait to watch the next chapters unfold!” Kristin Staver, high school English teacher.
“Destinee, I remember when you would come to all of our softball games and you were just learning to walk! How time flies! I have enjoyed watching you grow up into a beautiful young adult. You are a great role model for the children in our community. Best wishes in the years to come!” Morgan Burris, Pre K teacher.
“Destinee is a sweet young woman. I remember her joining our school and her quiet demeanor in the elementary. She has grown into a kind young woman. Her desire to come out on top shines through and she will have much success in the future. Good luck, Destinee!” Jill McGuire, kindergarten teacher.
“Destinee has participated in athletics and activities throughout her high school career. Destinee is a four time letterwinner in basketball and softball. She is a two time letterwinner in volleyball. Destinee was recognized by her teammates and coaches and served as a captain during the basketball season and is currently a captain for softball. Destinee’s accomplishments as a student-athlete at MPHS include the following SWAL All-Conference Honors: Honorable Mention in volleyball (senior year), Honorable Mention in basketball (sophomore and junior year), First Team All Conference basketball (senior year) and Honorable Mention softball (junior year). Destinee has experienced a successful athletic and academic career at MPHS. Destinee has shown a commitment to extra-curricular activities and academics. While participating in extra-curricular activities, Destinee has achieved a 3.915 GPA. Destinee was a member of the 2016 WIAA Division 4 State Girls Basketball Championship Team. She will also participate in the Wisconsin Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association All-Star game in June. Congratulations Destinee on a successful high school career and being selected as MPHS Student of the Month!” Vickie Dahl, Athletic Director.