Chad Yeager and Hannah Parkinson are pictured with Kiwanis President, and MP Schools Communications Director, Joelle Doye.
The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its February Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, February 7 at the Pointer Cafe.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Hannah Parkinson
Throughout her high school career, Hannah Parkinson’s parents, Terry and Renee Douglas, have supported her in all the activities she chose to participate in. Her brothers and parents provide her with continuous support and plan to support her wherever she goes in life.
Hannah has participated in several in-school and out of school activities including National Honor Society, High Honor Roll, FFA, Skills USA, Key Club, and FBLA.
During her freshman and sophomore years of high school, she worked as a cashier at Point Foods. In addition, she started working at Gray Dog Deli at the beginning of her junior year, and she still works there during her senior year.
Outside of her high school activities, she has several healthy hobbies to fill her time. These hobbies would include reading literary merit books, volunteering at the Iowa County Humane Society, and visiting different coffee shops. These hobbies reflect her interests in her personal life and career plans.
After high school, Hannah will be attending the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and she hopes to transfer to the University of Tennessee-Knoxville after her first two years of college. Her area of study will be business management with a focus in entrepreneurship. She hopes to open up her own coffee shop in California after she completes her post-secondary schooling.
Since she is very interested in business, Hannah has connected with her business teacher, Mrs. Kipalee Bakken, who has positively influenced her interest in business and pushes Hannah to reach her career goals.
“Hannah Parkinson is a dedicated and talented student who takes pride in her work. She is ambitious and takes responsibility for her learning. She has a bubbly and kind personality that will take her far in her bright future! I wish her the best of luck,” Kip Bakken, business teacher.
“I remember the first time I met Hannah at summer school when she was in elementary school. Hannah has always been a polite young lady and her smile always brightens the room. Hannah came to observe my classroom last year and it was great to see how she has grown into such a wonderful young adult. She told me she is looking to pursue psychology and I think she will do wonderful in this field. She has the patience, calm demeanor, and thoughtfulness for this career. Best of luck in the future, Hannah!” Morgan Burris, Pre K teacher.
“Hannah is delightfully charismatic and insightful. Her intuitive nature sparks great discussion and yields high quality work. Whether it’s in the classroom, in the hallway, or about town, Hannah’s contagious smile and friendly disposition light up a room,” Molly Uppena, high school English teacher.
“One thing I have always enjoyed about Hannah is her willingness to wrestle with ideas in the books she reads. It is such a joy to talk to her when she is experiencing a new book and the ideas it represents,” Kris McCoy, high school librarian.
Chad Yeager
Chad has lived in Dodgeville for his whole life with his mom Tricia and siblings Logan, Tessa, and Vanessa.
This past year he transferred to Mineral Point and was a captain on the soccer team and also runs in track and field. He is the President of Science Club, a member of the National Honor Society, Key Club, Chess Club, and Spanish Club. He also participates on the Math Team, in Forensics and Mock Trial, and holds a job at Lands’ End.
Chad enjoys exercising and spending time with his friends and family. He plans to attend Johns Hopkins, Duke, Georgia Tech, or UW-Madison in the fall to pursue a degree in Biomedical Engineering.
Mr. Matt Austin has had the largest impact on Chad during his sole year at Mineral Point High. He welcomed Chad into the school right away and aided in his transition. He has pushed Chad to expand his learning and further challenge him in both Chemistry and Physics. He has had the greatest influence on his choice of a major in the engineering field and Chad would like to say thanks to Mr. Austin for always pushing him and helping him inside and out of the classroom.
“Chad Yeager joined the High School Choir Independent Study this year as a senior who has never been in chorus before. Since his joining, he has positively added to the choral sound as a whole, brought a fun-loving attitude to each class, and tackles personal challenges with determination and focus. I am very glad he decided to go outside of his comfort zone to participate in the performing arts, make his mark in this choral program, and learn from new experiences–his craft is showing growth every time we meet!” Ashley McHugh, choir teacher.
“I have had the pleasure of teaching Chad Yeager both at Dodgeville High School and here at Mineral Point High School. He is a hardworking student. He strives to do his best in everything he does whether in academics, athletics, or extra-curricular organizations. As a soccer mom and fan of Dodge-Point soccer, I have also followed Chad and the team over the past few years. He was one of the senior captains for soccer this fall and served as a leader and motivator for the team and a role model for the younger players. So glad he came to MPHS! I wish him the best of luck next year!” Kip Bakken, business teacher.
“Chad, with his pensive nature, keen wit, and perceptive understanding, has been a wonderful addition to Mineral Point High School. It has been my pleasure to get to know him and see him excel in all of his endeavors,” Molly Uppena, high school English teacher.