The Mineral Point School District will host a Community Open House to discuss its Long-Range Facilities Plan Wednesday, November 16 at the elementary school gym (611 Cothern Street).
The open house will go from 6:30-8 pm and attendees can drop in anytime to view a short video, chat with school personnel and Nexus Solutions representatives, and provide feedback on the plan.
This summer, a long-range facilities plan was developed by Nexus, along with feedback from school administration and staff, to help address four major challenges for the District:
- Ongoing maintenance and repair of aging facilities.
- Enhancing school safety and security.
- Alleviating space issues at the elementary school.
- Providing 21st Century learning environments.
The community is strongly encouraged to attend to learn more about this plan as the School Board will be looking for direction from its constituents as to what they value long-term for Mineral Point’s school buildings, learning environments for students, and working environments for staff.