The Mineral Point School District will be hosting a School Board Candidate Forum Monday, March 28 at 7 pm in the high school library.
This is your chance to ask questions of the candidates and obtain answers before the election April 5 in which two seats are up for election.
Present will be candidates Larry Steffes, Andy Busch, and Glen P. Pilling.
If you cannot attend, the forum will be videoed and posted on the District’s YouTube channel. In addition, if you cannot attend and there are questions of the candidates you would like asked, email Communications Director Joelle Doye at joelle.doye@mp.k12.wi.us or call 987-0739 ext. 388 or mail a letter to her at 705 Ross Street, Mineral Point.
Prior to the forum, a Pointer Educational Partnership meeting will also be held in the library at 6:30 pm. The MPHS Key Club will provide childcare for both of these events.