The Mineral Point School District is proud to recognize its bus drivers during School Bus Driver Recognition Week.
Drivers for Pointer students include: Jerry Cenite, Chris Cox, Brenda Culver, Denise Enright, Grant Gorgen, Brian Graber, Tom Heins, Alf Jacobson, George Nast, Roger Palzkill, Kris Potterton, Todd Schmitz, Bruce Suddeth, Ted Terrill, Bob Tibbits, Greg Tonkin, Mark Wallace.
A proclamation from the office of the Governor reads as follows:
“Whereas more than 15,000 school bus drivers in the State of Wisconsin travel more than 82 million miles a year in transporting more than 80,000 students to and from school every day; and
Whereas these drivers and the owners and operators of school buses have promoted and practiced the highest standards to assure the protection of their passengers, and
Whereas the Wisconsin School Bus Association, through its Board of Directors, pledges its full and dedicated cooperation with the Department of Transportation’s Office of Transportation Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles and the State Patrol, the State Advisory Council of Highway Safety, the Department of Public Instruction, schools, law enforcement agencies, PTAs, and other organizations, in promoting public awareness of the importance of school bus transportation;
Now, therefore, I, Scott Walker, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, do hereby proclaim February 8-12, 2016 as School Bus Driver Recognition Week throughout the State of Wisconsin and I commend this observance to all of our citizens.”