The Senior Tax Exchange Program (STEP) was established by the Mineral Point Unified School District to increase volunteering of senior citizens in the schools. Qualifying senior citizens will receive a small stipend to be used to help reduce their property tax bill. The emphasis of the STEP volunteer program is to provide direct help in the instructional areas of reading and math, although other opportunities exist for volunteering.
- Age 55 or older.
- Primary residence in the Mineral Point Unified School District and pays property taxes to the district.
- Annual family income as defined by last years Federal Income Tax Form 1040A, Line 21, of less than $70,000.
1. Payment of $6.50 per hour.
2. Maximum of 66 hours per calendar year.
3. Payment of $6.50 per hour times 66 hours will be $429.00,which is the largest amount an individual can make before being subject to Social Security taxes. Please note that any amount you earn is still considered taxable income.
4. Compensation is a two-party check to the individual and the municipality they live in.
5. Before payment, a minimum of 20 volunteer hours is required.
6. Reimbursement will occur the last week of December for all work completed in the calendar year that is 20 hours or more.
1. STEP volunteers will be recruited via news releases, notices, and word of mouth.
2. Interested senior citizens will fill out an application.
3. An interview will be conducted by an administrator.
4. If a match is made the STEP volunteer and principal, or designated staff, determine when the STEP volunteer will begin work.
5. Each year all existing STEP volunteers and new volunteers must be interviewed.
6. Each year all new STEP volunteers will receive training at the beginning of the school year.
Please click on following link for the STEP Handbook and Application: