
Empathy means the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Wouldn’t our school and our world be a better place if everyone were able to display more empathy? Empathy is innate in many people but it is also a concept and ability that can be taught and nurtured. To work towards our goal of reducing bullying and making our school a comfortable place for all we want to teach our students empathy and nurture that ability. One step towards this goal is the production and sale of eMPathy T-shirts.

The eMPathy T-shirts were designed by a parent, Monica Dunn, and will be produced by Top Promotions who has generously worked with us in making these T-shirts available at the low cost of $5.00. A group of creative and ambitious fifth grade girls have come up with the idea to raise funds in order to reduce the price of the T-shirts even more to make them affordable to any student who would like one. The first idea they had to raise funds was to coordinate a bake sale that will take place during parent/teacher conferences. BRING YOUR SPARE CHANGE! Food items will be wrapped individually as well as in plates of 10-12 items.

A sample of the T-shirt will be available for viewing at the bake sale table during conferences. A T-shirt order form will be sent home with students. A form will also be available at parent conferences and on our website.  T-shirts are only available in orange.  Order Form

The first step to teaching and nurturing any skill is to understand the meaning of the concept and to make a connection. Hopefully working together and wearing our T-shirts together will assist us in taking that important first step.

Mrs. Rand

School Counselor