Mineral Point Elementary will be holding a food drive with a focus on elementary students showing compassion for others beginning Monday, November 9th through Friday, November 20th. 

Theme Days:

Macaroni Monday Ideas:  (macaroni and cheese, boxed pasta, spaghetti sauces, Hamburger Helper, bags of noodles)

Toiletries Tuesday Ideas:  (Shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels, soap, dish soap, laundry detergent, toothbrushes, household cleaning products)

Whatever You Want Wednesday Ideas:  (any items of your choice)

Thoughtful Thursday Ideas:  (canned soup, meats, fruits, vegetables, boxes of rice, etc)

For Breakfast Friday Ideas: -(pancake mix, syrup, jam, peanut butter, canned juice, breakfast bars, boxes or bags of cereal, etc.)

Any item may be brought in on any day.

We will be repeating the above themes for two weeks beginning this Monday, November 9th and ending on November 20th.  Teachers are to set items outside their rooms each morning and fifth graders will be collecting items each day.

Thank you for caring about others. 

Any questions please contact Lifka Bennett lifka.bennett@mp.k12.wi.us or Judy Benish judy.benish@mp.k12.wi.us