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Board of Education Seats Up For Election
This year three Board of Education seats are up for election. Citizens residing in the Mineral Point area are invited to run for the Board of Education for a three-year term. This year’s seats up for election are Bob Oberhauser, Julie Stephenson, and Dick Austin. The Mineral Point School District was informed that member Dick… Continue Reading Board of Education Seats Up For Election
November Students of the Month
The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its November Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, November 4 at the Pointer Café. The students, whom are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the school, and their biographies are written by themselves. Alec Schmitz Alec is the… Continue Reading November Students of the Month
October Students of the Month
The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its first set of 2014-15 Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, October 7. The students, whom are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the school, and their biographies are written by themselves. Josh Berg My parents are… Continue Reading October Students of the Month
Turk and Runt: A Thanksgiving Comedy
Mrs. Rachael Schroeder’s 3rd grade students presented the Reader’s Theater play “Turk and Runt: A Thanksgiving Comedy” by Lisa Wheeler on Tuesday morning. These students have been working on fluency which is the ability to read smoothly, accurately, and with expression. Rereading is a great method to practice fluency and Reader’s Theater is an excellent… Continue Reading Turk and Runt: A Thanksgiving Comedy
5th grade Project Lead the Way
What is Project Lead The Way? What are the Fifth Graders working on with Project Lead the Way? Project Lead The Way (PLTW) is the leading provider of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs and provides students with opportunities and challenges to develop the skills needed to succeed in our ever changing global economy. PLTW… Continue Reading 5th grade Project Lead the Way
MP’s 21st Century Skills
This video shows the data gathered from our staff and students regarding the use and proficiency with 21st Century Skills. This data was used to inform decisions about the direction of technology in the Mineral Point School District.
Kindergarten pet show
Kindergarteners were ecstatic to show off their pets during the annual Kindergarten Pet Show Friday afternoon as fellow students, family, and friends filtered through the classrooms of Jill McGuire, Bridget Beinborn, and Pam Anderson. These were not real animals, rather, most were favorite stuffed animals brought from home. Students crafted shelter for their friends, named… Continue Reading Kindergarten pet show
Gift card winners
If you see these middle school students, congratulate them! A drawing is held following each quarter for gift cards, this time to Pizza Hut and Subway. In order to be entered in the drawing, students must have met the following criteria:1. Assignment completion according to classroom policy.2. Absences (Maximum of four days for any reason… Continue Reading Gift card winners
No Shave November
No Shave November has seen Dr. Luke Francois, superintendent; Terry Cool, high school social studies teacher; Matt Austin, high school science teacher; and Kyle Carey, tech ed teacher, all put down their razors to join the movement that benefits the American Cancer Society. The idea behind this effort is that the money someone would have… Continue Reading No Shave November
National FFA Convention
The National Future Farmers of America convention is an experience remembered fondly by students in attendance. It is also one that Mineral Point students have been fortunate enough to be a part of for decades. The latest batch of students to attend included Tommie Loken, Morgan Fitzsimmons, Elizabeth Moellers, Tea Bossert, Jake Steffes, and Lane… Continue Reading National FFA Convention