Janalyn Yager

Janalyn Yager is part of Food Service at the Middle/High School.

Gia McIntosh

Gia McIntosh is part of Food Service at the Middle/High School.

Sherry DeVoe

Sherry DeVoe is part of Food Service at the Middle/High School.

Leslie Rule

Leslie Rule is part of Food Service at the Elementary School.

Sue McGettigan

Sue McGettigan is part of Food Service at the Elementary School.

Arianna Barr

Arianna Barr is a Middle School Instructional Assistant.

Hilari Lansing

Hilari Lansing is an Instructional Assistant at Mineral Point Elementary School.

Cody Sigg

Cody Sigg is a Middle/High School Custodian.

Piper Graham

Piper Graham is a Night Custodian at the Middle/High School.

Michele Hughes

Michele Hughes is a custodian at the elementary.