Jenna Wedig

Jenna Wedig is an instructional assistant at the elementary.

Kim Wedig

Kim Wedig is an instructional assistant at the elementary.

Gina Dochnahl

Gina is an Instructional Assistant at the elementary school.

Meg Cullen

Meg Cullen is an Instructional Assistant at Mineral Point High School.

Tami Krueger-Chappell

Tami Chappell is is a special education Instructional Assistant for Mineral Point Middle School.

Tracy Wiegel

Tracy Wiegel is an Elementary Instructional Assistant. She attended Southwest Tech and earned an Associates Degree in Fashion Merchandising and Marketing. Originally from Belmont, she currently resides there.

Melissa Callaway

Melissa Callaway is a Custodian. Originally from Seneca, she now resides in Mineral Point.

Dan Graber

Dan Graber is a Custodian at the elementary.

Marcia Blackbourn

Marcia Blackbourn is a special education instructional assistant at Mineral Point High.