High School Agriculture

#PointerNation FFA

Staff Members

Michael Robinson

  • Agriculture, High School
  • Agriculture, Middle School
Latest Posts | High School Agriculture

About High School Agriculture

Classes Plants, Animals, and You (PAY): Acquaint yourself with the exploding world of Agri-science. “Learning by doing” activities will provide you with exposure to various areas of Agri-science. These include: careers, FFA, soils, plant science, horticulture, animal science, Ag. mechanics, and natural resources. The greenhouse will be used as a laboratory for various activities dealing with… Continue Reading About High School Agriculture

FFA Celebrates 96 Years at Annual Banquet

The Mineral Point Chapter of the Future Farmers of America held its 96th annual awards ceremony Tuesday, March 11 in the middle/high school cafetorium under the leadership of Advisor Mike Robinson. Awards were presented as follows — congrats to all! Check out photos here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set?vanity=MineralPointSchoolDistrict&set=a.1179989394102941 Discovery Degree The FFA Discovery Degree is awarded to 8th grade… Continue Reading FFA Celebrates 96 Years at Annual Banquet

Robinson is National FFA Champion

HISTORY MADE AT NATIONAL FFA CONVENTION! Put your hands together, #PointerNation! Joey Robinson is the NATIONAL CHAMPION in Agricultural Mechanics Repair and Maintenance – Entrepreneurship Proficiency, becoming the first National Proficiency Champion in Mineral Point FFA Chapter‘s storied history! Joey began his project by changing engine and hydraulic oils, coolant, fuel filters, air filters, cabin… Continue Reading Robinson is National FFA Champion

Robinson is Sectional Winner for Outstanding Ag Program

Put your hands together for our very own Mike Robinson! #PointerNation‘s Middle/High School Agriculture Teacher and Mineral Point FFA Chapter Advisor was honored as the recipient of the Outstanding Middle/High School Ag Program for our section of Wisconsin for 2024 (Section 4, southwest Wisconsin schools) by the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators! Mr. Robinson has… Continue Reading Robinson is Sectional Winner for Outstanding Ag Program

FFA CDE National Qualifiers

State Champs — results are in from last Thursday’s competition! Let’s hear it for our Wisconsin FFA State Meats Evaluation Champions! The team has also qualified for the National FFA Competition to be held in October in Indianapolis. Individually: Luke Schubert placed 3rd, Cameron Patterson 4th, Michael Edgington 8th, Aiden Patterson 9th. Other State Career… Continue Reading FFA CDE National Qualifiers

FFA Celebrates 95 Years at Annual Banquet

The Mineral Point Chapter of the Future Farmers of America held its 95th annual awards ceremony Tuesday, March 19 in the middle/high school cafetorium under the leadership of Advisor Mike Robinson. Awards were presented as follows — congrats to all! Check out photos here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=MineralPointSchoolDistrict&set=a.907866201315263 Discovery Degree The FFA Discovery Degree is awarded to 8th grade… Continue Reading FFA Celebrates 95 Years at Annual Banquet

Ag Department Receives Compeer Financial Grant

Compeer Financial’s Fund for Rural America, the Farm Credit cooperative’s giving program, awarded a total of $212,000 through the Agriculture Education and Classroom Equipment Grant program this year. Sixty schools in Illinois, Minnesota as well as Wisconsin located across Compeer Financial’s territory will be receiving grants and Mineral Point is one of them! The grants… Continue Reading Ag Department Receives Compeer Financial Grant

State FFA Produces Champions

Let’s hear it for our State Proficiency FFA Award Winners — we have three State Champions! 1st Place and Qualifying for Nationals: Carson Kroll: Turf Grass Management; Joey Robinson: Diversified Livestock Production; Luke Schubert: Grain Production 2nd Place: Annie Robinson: Nursery Operation; Joey Robinson Agricultural Mechanics Repair; Joey Robinson: Maintenance Entrepreneur 3rd Place: Annie Robinson:… Continue Reading State FFA Produces Champions

All High School Agriculture News