Elementary Traffic Plan
This page describes the process families should follow when picking up their child(ren) from school at the end of the day by vehicle. Families who pick up their child(ren) by walking should continue to meet them as usual. Our goal in defining this after school procedure for dismissal is to ensure that everyone leaves the school grounds in a safe manner. We appreciate your attention to this matter.
– Mr. Renwick

1. Come into the parking lot from the right side (see red arrow).

2. Park in the designated areas only (locations not for parking have an “x”).

3. Students will wait at the stairs with a staff member until a parent walks over and picks their child(ren) up.

4. This blue rectangle will serve as the pickup area for the end of the day.

5. Vehicles should leave the parking lot in a counter-clockwise fashion, one way only (see arrows).