Superintendent’s Corner
School Funding Update

This spring, people all across the state will head to the polls to vote on a new Supreme Court Justice, school board members, local government officials, and maybe even a school referendum. In recent years, many school districts have gone back to their respective communities to ask for additional funding. Mineral Point did this as… Continue Reading School Funding Update
Exceeding Expectations

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright The state report cards have been released for every school and district in Wisconsin by the Department of Public Instruction for the 2021-22 school year. Each year, teachers and administrators try to “dig” into the information that is being reported to see what we can do to improve instruction for our… Continue Reading Exceeding Expectations
Portrait of a Pointer

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright The school district recently had a workday scheduled for teachers. The first nine weeks have come to an end and most teachers were working on grades, diving deeper into the new curriculum, or working with outside experts. The middle school staff had a representative from CESA #3, out of Fennimore, guiding… Continue Reading Portrait of a Pointer
Fiscally Responsible Investment

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright It is the time of the year when school districts all across the state are approving their budgets. By the end of the month, each district will certify the levy for taxpayers. The levy is the amount of money each property owner is charged, based on the mill rate. This rate… Continue Reading Fiscally Responsible Investment
Great Start

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright What a great start to the school year. It was so nice seeing students and staff back in our buildings on August 24th. The beginning of every school year is an exciting time of the year. Students of all ages, even seniors, are happy to be back in the buildings. The… Continue Reading Great Start

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright Change is always taking place. The weather changes, our children change, and even we change day to day or year to year. The school district is going through changes with many familiar faces no longer part of our daily work lives. With a round of retirements at the end of the… Continue Reading Change
No Limits

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright A graduation message: It is with great pleasure that I stand before you as we honor this outstanding group of students. Graduates, in order to be at this ceremony, you have demonstrated all of the necessary skills to achieve your individual academic success. Soccer great Pele said, “Success is no accident. … Continue Reading No Limits

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright In twelve weeks, Mineral Point will once again honor a group of hard-working students. We will hold a graduation ceremony and hand out diplomas to deserving young people. Twelve weeks! How is this possible, and how did we get here? I would suggest that our perspective when looking at how we… Continue Reading Perspective
History Made

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright Mineral Point is proudly home to one of the first schools in the state of Wisconsin with records finding evidence of a school existing here as early as 1829 and the first class graduating from MPHS in 1879. Our Pointer Media class is continually adding names of alumni to its webpage… Continue Reading History Made
Winter Weather is Here

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright I hope everyone had an opportunity to enjoy time with family and friends during the holidays and that your New Year is off to a good start. There was no white Christmas, but to no one’s surprise, the snow started to fall soon after. It also would not surprise anyone… Continue Reading Winter Weather is Here