Take Time to Vote

by Interim Superintendent Mitch Wainwright Next week, voters will be heading to the polls to vote on a variety of issues, and for a wide range of offices for state and federal representation.  Closer to home, there are two referendum questions that will impact the taxpayers of the Mineral Point Unified School District. During the… Continue Reading Take Time to Vote

Two Separate Referendum Questions

by Interim Superintendent Mitch Wainwright In less than five weeks, Mineral Point taxpayers will be asked to vote on two referendum questions. The first question is asking permission to spend $11.92 million to add on to and remodel the current elementary school.  The second question is asking permission to exceed the revenue cap by $350,000… Continue Reading Two Separate Referendum Questions

Luckiest Man Alive

by Interim Superintendent Mitch Wainwright I am Mitch Wainwright, and I couldn’t be more excited to be starting a new position!  This is my eighth year in the Mineral Point Unified School District and the first as the Interim Superintendent.  I have been in education for over 30 years and cannot remember being this excited… Continue Reading Luckiest Man Alive

Change is Constant

by Elementary Principal Matt Renwick The start of a school year is upon us. Many of us in education have been thinking about this new beginning for a while. For at least some of us, there is a mixed feeling of excitement and anxiety. My guess is the students have felt the same way. For… Continue Reading Change is Constant

A Community of Readers

This post also served as part of my summer newsletter to staff. Our building goal this year is increase our collective knowledge around reading instruction; not to insinuate that we are lacking in this area, but rather to seek a common understanding about this discipline while continually advancing ourselves professionally. See you in September. When… Continue Reading A Community of Readers

What a Community Values

by Elementary Principal Matt Renwick One of the first things our family noticed about Mineral Point when we moved here in 2016 was all of the historical homes and sites. People proudly display plaques describing when a house or structure was built, along with the name of the original owner or business. When people speak… Continue Reading What a Community Values

Kindness and Grace

by Superintendent Luke Francois, Ed.D. Seven years ago, Superintendent Terry Hemann asked me to consider applying to Mineral Point as he was returning to his home state of Iowa.  Initially, I declined the offer as I was not seeking a change in job status, did not wish to relocate our home, the commute was too… Continue Reading Kindness and Grace

Focus on Feedback

An Elementary School Planning Committee was created by the Board of Education to study capacity and accessibility and report back their findings and recommendations to the Board. To guide the Committee’s work a community survey was deployed. Over 375 people responded to the survey with more than 100 returning a paper survey with the remaining balance… Continue Reading Focus on Feedback