Mineral Point FFA qualified two for the state speaking competition–Katie Fitzsimmons and Scott Pittz.
On March 2, the FFA attended the Sectional FFA Speaking Contest at Platteville High School. There were 14 participants from Mineral Point competing.
The 8th grade quiz bowlers that competed were Team B: McKenna Reichling, Caden Carey, Kyle Vondra, Logan Schmitz. Team A: Danny Pittz, Abby Shannon, Cade Steffes, Garrett Wendhausen, Brady Palzkill. The quiz bowl teams fell short of their goal of qualifying for state. Team A finished 2nd and Team B 4th.
The FFA creed contest had Katie Fitzsimmons placing 1st and she will be going on to state.
In the prepared speaking contest, Tommie Loken placed 3rd.
In the extemporaneous contest, Scott Pittz placed 1st and advanced to state. Elizabeth Moellers placed 3rd.
The Mineral Point FFA was represented very well and did an outstanding job winning two of the seven speaking contest areas. The state competition will be held at the State FFA Convention in Madison June 15-18.