Hello MPES Families,

We were heartbroken when we learned that two of our community firefighters, Brian Busch and Jim Ludlum, died while reporting to a call. The teachers, staff and students send our sincerest condolences to the families and the fire department.

In a small community, this type of situation impacts so many people. Brian’s wife teaches in our building; his kids attend all three schools. Jim’s grandchildren are also enrolled in the district. In addition, both guys were directly involved in the school. Brian led our annual fire awareness assembly. Jim helped facilitate the fire department’s art contest with our students.

This is the reality of living in a close-knit community: we form deep relationships with each other, and when someone leaves us, it hurts all the more. Still, we are thankful for the time we had with them.

Reminder About Visitors

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, a reminder that we are asking all family members to have their child enter and leave the school independently. We are trying to reduce the possibility of any close contacts. Once cases get to a point where we are able to loosen restrictions, we will let families know. Thank you for understanding and helping us to keep everyone healthy. (Note: this restriction does not apply to volunteers helping in the classroom in an academic capacity.)

Diverse Books in Classrooms

Recently, all classrooms received a stack of books depicting diverse characters and written by diverse authors. These books were purchased with Title dollars. Teachers have been collaborating with their students on how to organize them within their classroom libraries. Ensuring there is representation of many cultures in our literature is important for building more inclusive communities.

Parent Educational Partnership Update

Parent Educational Partnership, or “PEP”, was a standing group of parents meeting regularly to support the school. I’d like to revive this group, for several reasons:

  • Families feel they have some input in school decision making.
  • We have ready access to a parent’s perspective on school issues.
  • There is a connection between home and school, another communication channel for families.

There will be an introductory meeting on Monday, February 7 at 3:45 P.M. in the LMC. Any Mineral Point Elementary School parent or guardian is welcome to attend and learn more about the goals and the plan for this group.

Take care,



Matt has served for over 20 years in public education. He started as a 5th and 6th grade teacher in a country school outside of Wisconsin Rapids, WI. After seven years of teaching, Matt served as an assistant principal, athletic director, and building principal all in Wisconsin Rapids. As an elementary principal with the Mineral Point Unified School District, he enjoys working with students, staff, and families in a collective pursuit of continuous learning.