by Interim Superintendent Mitch Wainwright
I am Mitch Wainwright, and I couldn’t be more excited to be starting a new position! This is my eighth year in the Mineral Point Unified School District and the first as the Interim Superintendent. I have been in education for over 30 years and cannot remember being this excited to start a school year. It’s the community pride that sets Mineral Point apart from others, and the support for the school district that makes this such a desirable place to live and work.
This past May, I completed the programing needed to become a licensed Superintendent. My program through Viterbo University in La Crosse gave me a great opportunity to take the next step in education. I was shocked when Dr. Luke Francois told me that he was taking a new position and that Mineral Point would be looking for the next District Administrator. Mineral Point has been home for my family for over 28 years and I was excited to have the opportunity to continue working here as the Interim Superintendent. My wife, Ellie, and I have lived here longer than anywhere else, and I hope that makes us Pointers! My son, Tyler, and daughter, Tessa, both graduated from Mineral Point. Both children have great careers, all because of the education they received here.
As a community, you should take great pride in your school district because you have a staff that cares deeply, works tirelessly, and wants nothing but the best for each and every child that comes to our school district. I just may be the luckiest man alive to work here, and I will do everything in my power to continue the long tradition of Mineral Point success!