The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday, March 10.
— The Board honored the following accomplishments:
- Academic All-State Volleyball
- State Gymnastics
- State Wrestling
(This begins the meeting video: https://youtu.be/TNnVUHVBSIY?si=Teckg9mXG9IQiSD7)
— The Board unanimously approved (with Justin Skelding absent) a pay raise for all staff members for the 2025-26 school year, which will be CPI (Consumer Price Index) at 2.95%, plus full funding of all other priorities (steps, lanes, credit reimbursement, extra duty pay, and Nationally Board Certified), intentionally excluding the double distinguished step at this time.
The compensation model used by the District includes a double step on the salary scale, or if a staff member has no steps left, it would equal a double CPI increase. This only occurs if a teacher is distinguished on their summative year evaluation. This evaluation happens once every three years.
At a recent meeting with the Board, staff representatives shared thoughts about this feature of the salary priorities. There was additional discussion at a Board committee meeting about moving away from the double step and paying a stipend, which is a one-time payment. There will be additional Board discussions moving forward in the coming months on this topic.
(Go to the 37 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved (with Skelding absent) the retirement of Dan Van Galen (Middle School Science and Spanish Teacher), effective at the end of the 2024-25 school year. (Go to the one hour mark)
— The Board unanimously approved (with Skelding absent) a resolution authorizing the transfer of funds, the establishment of an escrow account with respect to and the defeasance of certain of the general obligation refunding bonds, dated July 9, 2019.
Doing this should save the District approximately a year’s worth of interest off the elementary renovation project.
(Go to the 31 minute, 45 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Skelding absent) the following policy updates following a second reading:
- 113 – Nondiscrimination in district programs, activities, and operations (reverting to the previously approved policy from September 2020)
- 443.7 – Responsible Use of the Internet Safety Policy for students, staff, and guests
- 446 – Student Search and Seizure
- 447.3 – Student Suspensions/Expulsions
- 447.4 – Student Expulsion
- 511 – Discrimination and Harassment Complaint
- 512 – Harassment Based on a Protected Status
- 723 – School Safety Plans
- 723.3 – Emergency School Closings
- 832 – Weapons on School Premises
- 860 – Visitors to the Schools (including presence on school property)
(Go to the 35 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved (with Will Harris and Skelding absent) the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the seven minute mark)
— The Board heard an update on its priorities (Recruit and Retain Staff, Providing a Safe Social and Emotional Environment for Everyone, School Board Governance). (Go to the 11 minute mark)
— Superintendent Mitch Wainwright provided his monthly budget comparison. (Go to the 18 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board heard an update regarding high school course enrollment data. Students are enrolling now for next school year’s classes. Seniors need 24 credits to graduate; 16.5 are required classes and 7.5 are electives, which are driven by student interest. (Go to the 20 minute mark)
— The Board discussed the quarterly review of itself. (Go to the 55 minute mark)
— The next regular meeting will be held Monday, April 14 at 6 pm.
— Please note — these meeting summaries are not to be considered official minutes. Rather, official minutes are approved at the following regular monthly board meeting.