The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday, August 26 to finalize the exact legal language to be used for the November 5 Operating Referendum question. (This begins the meeting video)
Video link: https://youtu.be/edeer78QAAU?si=FpyrQA0UrPi5HkIz
With regard to the Operating Referendum, the resolution authorizing the school district budget to exceed the revenue limit by $1,300,000 beginning with the 2025-2026 school year for recurring purposes consisting of ongoing operational expenses was approved by a 5-0 vote with Rachael Bergstrom, Andy Busch, Aaron Dunn, Joni Heisner, and Justin Skelding voting yes (Will Harris and Christie Johnston were absent).
The official referendum documents can be found below:
There will be more communication forthcoming very soon about the November 5 vote.
Other business:
— Unanimously approved (with Harris and Johnston absent) the hiring of Spenser Moore as an Elementary Instructional Assistant. (Go to the seven minute mark)
— The next regularly scheduled Board meeting is Monday, September 9 at 6 pm.