The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday night.
Video link: https://youtu.be/cth7epSUAhk?si=y1P–8WP9-jvRVHs
— The Board recognized the following accomplishments:
- Presidential Academic Award Winner (Henry Chapman)
- Football All-Stars (Tremaine Kennicker and Gibsen Sporle)
- Badger Boys & Girls State (Nolen Fox, Matthew Goninen, Cole Hentrich, Finn Renwick, Payton Heins)
- American Legion Boys Nation (Matthew Goninen)
- American Legion Law Enforcement Career Academy (Preston Lease)
(This begins the meeting video)
— The Board unanimously approved its intent to place an operating referendum on the November 5 ballot in the amount not to exceed $1.3 million recurring, only levying the amount actually needed per year. The Board will hold a special meeting Monday, August 26 at 5:45 pm to officially approve the resolution legal and ballot language.
Superintendent Mitch Wainwright wrote a column earlier this month leading up to this decision: https://mineralpointschools.org/2024/07/investing-in-pointer-pride/
Much more information will be forthcoming.
(Go to the one hour, 10 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the hiring of Ross Coogan as an Elementary Instructional Assistant. (Go to the one hour, 40 minute mark)
— The Board heard academic goals for the 2024-25 school year from building Principals Matt Austin (high school), Brooke McGraw (middle school), and Tom Ingwell (elementary school). (Go to the 18 minute mark)
— Superintendent Wainwright provided an update on the District Technology Budget, saying we are down $30,000 from last year. Additionally, we’ve saved approximately $50,000 on purchases we’ve been able to make at reduced costs. (Go to the 51 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved finalizing the scope of the Ad-Hoc Committee for cell phone use. The charge shall be investigating:
- Discussing the growing concern of cell phone use and social media and its impact on academics and social state of our kids
- Understand how cell phones and social media in schools is impacting kids academically, socially, and emotionally
- Look at best practices how other districts have managed cell phone/social media use to minimize student harm and also maximize learning
- How to better educate our families on cell phone and social media use
The committee will also return to the Board with recommended policy updates and a potential education piece for parents/guardians by January 2025.
(Go to the one hour, two minute mark)
— The Board discussed follow up to a strategic planning meeting. (Go to the one hour, 37 minute mark)
— Superintendent Wainwright provided his monthly budget update. (Go to the 57 minute mark)
— The Board discussed its monthly update on School Board Priorities (Recruit and Retain Staff, Providing a Safe Social and Emotional Environment for Everyone, School Board Governance). (Go to the 10 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board heard of the District goals for 2024-25. (Go to the 47 minute mark)
— The Board held a first reading of the following policies. They will then be brought back for a vote at next month’s meeting.
- 225.1 – Evaluation of Administrative Staff
- 447.11 – Use of Seclusion and Physical Restraint (including rule 447.11)
- 811.1 – Parent Involvement
- 662.2 – Community Programs and Services
- 672 – Purchasing
(Go to the 58 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the seven minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board will hold a special meeting Monday, August 26 at 5:45 pm to vote on the operating referendum resolution.
— The next regular meeting will be held Monday, September 9 at 6 pm.