The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday and discussed and took action on the following items:
Video link: https://youtu.be/A_v322VzcdI?si=oEers_ChQh7wbiz_
— The Board recognized the following:
- WASB Business Honor Roll
— Aspen Ridge Home & Garden has been a fantastic addition to the Mineral Point community. Following a $12 million renovation to our elementary school, Aspen Ridge helped complete the finishing touches by donating landscaping to beautify the front entrance. Our school garden has also benefited from donations, as well as our school oak savanna. This summer, they also supplied replacement trees for our middle/high school as we had to cut many down due to Emerald Ash Borer disease. Their store also hosts food stands that are fundraisers for our Education Endowment Fund and Pointer Pantry. Aspen Ridge hosts classes of elementary students to learn more about the business as they design holiday advertisements for the local newspaper. They are also so thoughtful of our staff and donate treats for Staff Appreciation Week in May and have even sponsored coffee trucks for our staff as well.
— Ross Soil—Nutrien has been a longtime supporter of the school district, especially our FFA program. Our FFA has been an important part of our school since 1929 and Ross Soil is a strong supporter, especially of the annual awards banquet. They also are willing to employ students through our youth apprenticeship program, as well as participating in mock interviews, providing valuable experience to our youth. Additionally, they purchase animals at the Iowa County Fair Livestock Auction where our students participate, donate funds to send FFA members to the Washington DC Leadership Conference, donate the use of their equipment for the FFA fruit sale delivery day, and provide guest speakers to our agriculture classes.
— Sielaff Corporation has been a tremendous partner as part of our transition program. This partnership helps special needs students find work as they approach graduation, giving them valuable life and employment skills as they prepare for life after high school.
- WASB Level 1 Recognition: Joni Heisner
- Wisconsin School Music Association Accreditation
- Compeer Financial Grant Winner: Mike Robinson
- Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom Grant Winner: Keri Radtke
- Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association 400 Win Award: Dan Burreson
(This begins the meeting video)
— The Board heard a financial operating referendum education presentation from Jordan Masnica of Baird. Revenue limits were implemented in the 1992-93 school year. Schools can increase their revenue limit authority through operating referendums. Revenue limit adjustments have not kept up with inflation through the years. If they had, schools would be receiving approximately $3600 additional per pupil aid, according to Masnica. The prior state budget provided no new additional dollars for schools to operate. In the most recent state budget, schools received an additional $325 per pupil, which Masnica says does not keep up with current inflation, and doesn’t help recoup past inflation increases. Because of this, many schools have gone to operating referendums (85% of districts have asked an operating referendum question since 1992; 61% of districts have asked an operating referendum question since 2014). (Go to the 22 minute mark)
— Superintendent Mitch Wainwright provided an enrollment update based on the third Friday of September state count. This school year, we have 95 students open enrolling into the district and 41 open enrolling out. Total number of students in the district is 785. (Go to the two hour, 11 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the 2023-24 district budget. The anticipated mill rate will be $7.93, down from $9.00 last year. An anticipated 16.5% increase in equalized assessed property value for taxpayers is expected from the state. The cost of benefits the district is paying out is decreasing while open enrollment tuition into the district is increasing. The Board approved the budget with a deficit, but Superintendent Wainwright noted it is within the district’s fiscal capabilities to absorb the deficit for this school year. Superintendent Wainwright also noted at the end of last school year, the district had a surplus of approximately $400,000. Final numbers from the state won’t be available until this Friday, so these numbers may change slightly. (Go to the two hour, 26 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved its Board Norms. They can be located here: https://mineralpointschools.org/wp-content/uploads/Mineral-Point-School-Board-Norms.pdf
(Go to the two hour, 49 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved a 66.03 shared staff agreement with the Pecatonica School District to help with additional special education case numbers. (Go to the three hour, 13 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved additive contracts for Blue Crew, Pointer Media, and Event Publication Program Coordinator. (Go to the three hour, 23 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved maintaining the current record retention schedule. (Go to the two hour, 58 minute, 45 second mark)
— The Board reviewed its first quarter evaluation tool. (Go to the three hour, one minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board heard its monthly updates from building administrators. (Go to the one hour, three minute mark)
— The Board heard the monthly budget comparison from Superintendent Wainwright. (Go to the two hour, 18 minute mark)
— A Finance Committee report was presented. (Go to the two hour, 23 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved an update to Policy 188, which deals with board members participating in meetings remotely. (Go to the two hour, 24 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the consent agenda, which included bills payable and the credit card statement. (Go to the 11 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board will hold a special meeting Monday, October 23 at 6 pm to certify the levy. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 13 at 6 pm.
(Please note, these are not official minutes of the meeting. Official minutes will be approved at next month’s meeting.)