The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Wednesday night to wrap up new hirings for the upcoming school year.
Video link: https://youtu.be/gyGjVk2dssg
— Approved 6-0 (with Andy Busch absent) the hiring of Chad Martin as Elementary Physical Education Teacher. (Go to the 21 minute mark)
— Approved 6-0 (with Busch absent) the hiring of Mo May Grimm as the Director of Pointer Kids Club, the new elementary before/after school program. (Go to the 25 minute mark)
— Approved 6-0 (with Busch absent) the hiring of Andrea Dannenberg and Brooke Eagan as Assistants for Pointer Kids Club. (Go to the 32 minute mark)
— Approved 6-0 (with Busch absent) the hiring of Jacob Klein as a Special Education Assistant for Pointer Kids Club. (Go to the 38 minute mark)
Other business:
— Approved 6-0 (with Busch absent) a slate of projects with money coming from Fund 46 that can only be used for capital maintenance. Included are: resurfacing the elementary track, updated door locks for middle/high school interior doors, and hands-free faucets in elementary bathrooms. (Go to the eight minute mark)
— The next regular Board meeting is set for Monday, September 11 at 6 pm.