Following closed session at Monday night’s regular School Board meeting, the Board unanimously approved by a 6-0 vote (with Joni Heisner absent) the hiring of Tom Ingwell as the next Elementary Principal.
Mr. Ingwell has been employed with the District since January 2018 as an Elementary Physical Education Teacher and was previously a Pointer from 2012-14 as an Elementary Instructional Assistant.
Tom is a graduate of Darlington. He earned his Bachelor’s in Physical Education and a minor in Health Education and Adaptive Phy Ed from UW-Platteville in 2002. He also earned his Master’s from UW-Platteville in Cross Categorical (Special Education) in 2017, and plans to earn his Master’s in Public Administration as Principal/Director of Instruction from UW-River Falls in 2024.
His family includes wife, Amanda (MP Elementary Instructional Assistant), and children Brynn, Eliza, Ava, Tyler, and Myles.
Video link: https://youtu.be/ce9_L2tZNAk
Other Business:
— The Board recognized:
– Middle School Presidential Scholars: Johnny Robinson and Faye Schuette
– Football All-Star: Brendan Lynch
– WBCA Athletic Director Award: Vickie Dahl
– Elementary Model PLC School Award
(This begins the meeting video)
— The Board heard an introduction to Xello, a student portfolio software program, from High School Principal Matt Austin. (Go to the 15 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board heard a report update from the Policy Committee. (Go to the 33 minute, 45 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Heisner absent) discontinuing the annual review of the Social/Emotional Learning Coach position and treating it like all other staff positions. (Go to the 37 minute, 30 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Heisner absent) a purchase in excess of $10,000 — 65 Chromebooks for 3rd Grade. (Go to the 44 minute mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Heisner absent) the School Board Priorities. (Go to the 47 minute, 15 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Heisner absent) the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the 53 minute, 50 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Heisner absent) the resignation of Matt Renwick, Elementary Principal. (Go to the 56 minute mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Heisner absent) the resignation of Andrew Weber, Elementary Instructional Assistant. (Go to the 59 minute, 45 second mark)
— Following closed session, the Board unanimously approved the hiring of Tom Ingwell, Elementary Principal, and Cody Sigg, Middle/High School Custodian. The Board also supported the recommendation to use a long-term substitute teacher for the first semester, and two interns in the second, to fill the Elementary Instructional Assistant vacancy left by Weber’s resignation.