By a unanimous vote, at its regular monthly meeting Monday, the School Board approved a new before and after school care program for Mineral Point 4K through 5th grade students.
Stay tuned for more information on the fee and payment structure, as well as enrollment info for the upcoming school year.
Pointer Kids Club is designed to provide a safe, interactive, and fun environment for MP students by offering a variety of open-ended, play-based STEAM (science, technology, engineering, and math) and physical activities before and after school, outside the traditional school day.
Any student 4K through 5th grade is eligible to enroll. Enrollment will be capped at 75 morning students and 75 evening students. Morning care will start at 7 am. After school care is from dismissal time until 6 pm.
The Mineral Point Community Foundation generously provided a $15,000 grant to help the startup of this program. Several other area districts have a similar program already in place.
Vacancies have been posted for a Director (24 hours/week) and two Childcare Providers (20 hours/week). Contact Superintendent Mitch Wainwright at mitch.wainwright@mp.k12.wi.us or 608-987-0740 with interest.
(Go to the one hour mark)
Video link: https://youtu.be/hx6TAjsPUpU
Other Business:
- The Board honored the following:
- State FFA
- Badger Boys & Girls State
- State Special Olympics
- State Trap
- All-State Trap
- Volleyball Academic All-State
- Softball All-Stars
- Softball All-State
- Basketball All-Stars
- WI High School Female Senior Wrestler of the Year
(This begins the meeting video)
— The Board unanimously approved a 4% salary increase for all district employees for the 2023-24 school year. A robust discussion was held around the Consumer Price Index, current state budget situation, tight school district budget, what other area districts are offering, appreciation for staff, and responsibility to taxpayers, along with additional factors.
(Go to the two hour, 22 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the Fund 46 (Capital Maintenance) projects as presented. (Go to the one hour, 41 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved transferring up to $200,000 from the end of the year surplus into Fund 46 (Capital Maintenance), after the audit is completed later this month. (Go to the one hour, 49 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved nominating Aspen Ridge, Ross Soil-Nutrien, and Sielaff Corporation for the annual Wisconsin Association of School Boards Association Business Honor Roll. (Go to the one hour, 59 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the academic standards for the 2023-24 school year. They can be found: https://mineralpointschools.org/mpsd/academic-standards/
(Go to the two hour, eight minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved all handbooks for the 2023-24 school year. Once updated, they will be available here: https://mineralpointschools.org/mpsd/handbooks/
(Go to the two hour, nine minute mark)
— The Board approved 6-0 (with Joni Heisner absent) the budget amendments as presented. (Go to the two hour, 20 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the two hour, 50 minute, 30 second mark)
— Following closed session, unanimously approved the hiring of Chloe Muhlstein for a 5th grade teaching position.
— The Board held a first reading of Board Priorities. Focus areas include: development of a recruitment and retention plan for teachers and staff; prioritize an understanding of the social and emotional needs of students and staff; and enhance board governance. (Go to the 16 minute mark)
— The Board heard an update from High School Principal Matt Austin. (Go to the 22 minute, 45 second mark)
— Superintendent Mitch Wainwright provided an update to the Board on the budget audit. (Go to the 51 minute mark)
— The Board heard a summary of the Operations Committee meeting. (Go to the 53 minute mark)
— The next regularly scheduled meeting is set for Monday, August 14 at 6 pm.