by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright
The longer I work in education, the more I believe that the majority of school events happen in the last two months of the school year. It is a time to show off all the hard work our students have been putting in. There will be art shows, a Kindergarten car show, music performances, sporting events, field trips, state testing, and graduation just to name a few. It is almost impossible to look at a calendar of events and see a day that has nothing scheduled on it.
We are in the final push to the end of this current school year. Spring break is behind us and our focus is on helping all of our students make the growth they need to be prepared for the next step. Is that moving from one grade level to the next or moving to a new building? Some of our students will be counting down the days until they leave us for a brand new adventure. Spring brings a change in the weather. Everywhere you look signs point to new growth. In this job, it is wonderful to see how much our students have grown and continue to grow. That is one of the rewarding factors of working in education. What makes it even better is working in Mineral Point!