The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday, April 24, at which time, members Andy Busch and Joni Heisner both took the Oath of Office for another three-year term.
(This begins the meeting video)
Video link: https://youtu.be/Xu3BtLqd0Ds
Other business:
— The Board unanimously approved the resignation of Chelsea Edwards, 5th Grade Teacher, at the end of the 2022-23 school year. This vacancy will draw from the same pool of applicants as the prior Elementary Teaching posting. (Go to the 56 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the intent to employ teacher contracts for the 2023-24 school year, even though an exact dollar amount is not yet available, but contracts would not be issued for less than the 2022-23 school year salary. The Board is hoping to gather more information as to what additional aid or levy changes, if any, might be coming from the state for next school year. (Go to the 42 minute, 15 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the additive compensation schedule for the 2023-24 school year. Due to budget constraints, these contracts are currently frozen at the 2021-22 rates. These are for coaches, advisors, etc. (Go to the three minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the CESA 3 contract for services in the 2023-24 school year. The contract is for the same services as received in the 2022-23 school year for the same cost. (Go to the 26 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved the SWEEP 1 & 2 contracts for the 2023-24 school year. (Go to the 38 minute, 30 second mark)
— The next regular meeting of the Board is set for Monday, May 8 at 6 pm.