The Mineral Point School Board Candidate Forum will be held Monday, March 6 beginning at 7 pm in the middle/high school library at 705 Ross Street.
Once again this year, the forum will be hosted and moderated by high school Pointer Media students.
Candidates invited to appear (listed in order they will appear on the ballot): Andrew M. Busch (incumbent), Alan Schrank, and Joni L. Heisner (incumbent).
Stakeholders are welcome to attend in-person. It will also be videoed and posted to YouTube later.
You may submit your questions prior to the forum, no later than Friday, March 3 at Noon, so students have time to organize the questions. You can submit a question using the following methods:
- Using this anonymous online form: https://forms.gle/HarNfR7X23edE82j7
- Dropping off a question at the District Office located at 705 Ross Street
- Mailing a question to the District Office located at 705 Ross Street
- Calling 608-987-0740
Please note: due to duplication and time constraints, not all questions submitted may be asked of the candidates during the forum. The event is expected to last approximately an hour to an hour and a half.
The election is Tuesday, April 4. Voters will be asked to select not more than two candidates. The top two vote getters will each receive a three-year term on the school board commencing Monday, April 24.