The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday night to certify the levy for the 2022-23 school year. (Go to the six minute, 15 second mark)
Video link: https://youtu.be/ykfdbiwixP8
The Board unanimously approved the levy, which is a 0.08% decrease over last year’s and comes in at $4,404,555.
The budget is balanced at $14,940,913.
The equalized property value for the district now totals $489,191,278. This is a 15.54% increase over last year.
This total helps to determine the mill rate. The mill rate for this year is 9.00, compared to last year of 10.41, a decrease of 1.41 mills, which amounts to a 10.56% decrease.
Superintendent Mitch Wainwright mentioned, in the last four years, Mineral Point Unified School District taxpayer money has been sent, by state law, to voucher schools in Milwaukee and Racine Counties for a total of $226,000.
A 10 year history of the mill rate is pictured below:
Other business:
— The Board unanimously approved (with Busch and Janetka absent) the budget amendments as presented. (This begins the meeting video)
— The next regular meeting of the school board will be Monday, November 14 at 6 pm.