by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright
Change is always taking place. The weather changes, our children change, and even we change day to day or year to year. The school district is going through changes with many familiar faces no longer part of our daily work lives. With a round of retirements at the end of the school year, more than 224 years of experience is leaving the school district. Staff members have left us with everything from 17 years of experience all the way up to 43 years. When I think about the impact made on the district by these people it is hard to believe. They will all be missed.
With change comes an opportunity to grow. Like every other aspect of life, there may be some growing pains. You cannot replace that much experience and not have some growing to do. However, we can all grow by bringing in new staff members. New friendships can be made, and positive impacts may be felt. Just like when a new student moves into the school district, new friendships are formed and all students can benefit.
We will see some new faces when the new school year begins, and we will see some familiar ones that have changed and come back to the community. If you encounter something that seems different we ask that you be patient, and help us welcome our new Pointers. Our family is changing and that’s ok.