The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting and heard updates on projects being completed via Fund 46 monies this spring and summer. Fund 46 is a long term capital improvement fund.
Superintendent Mitch Wainwright reported the following:
— Security cameras are being installed at the middle/high school building and should be completed by the time school starts.
— The parking lot and walkway/basketball court at the middle/high school have been sealcoated.
— The stair treads at the middle/high school have been replaced in the three main staircases.
— A two-man lift has been purchased for the elementary school.
— Window coverings should be installed this week at the elementary school in classrooms.
— A set of floor covers for the middle/high school gym have been purchased to help protect the floor for non-athletic events (prom, homecoming dances, graduation, etc.).
— The final project waiting is the replacement of four exterior locker room doors and entrance doors on the north side of the middle/high school building and the tech shop exterior doors.
(Go to the 8 minute, 30 second mark of the video)
Video link: https://youtu.be/5Yrrtx6TXTc
Other business:
— Once a year, the Board has the opportunity to nominate up to five businesses/organizations for recognition on the Wisconsin Association of School Boards’ Business Honor Roll for their support of the District. The Board voted unanimously (with Andy Busch, Bob Janetka, and Justin Skelding absent) to nominate the following:
— The Democrat Tribune/The Dodgeville Chronicle
— Midwest Roofing and Construction
— Mineral Point Kiwanis
— Mineral Point Public Library
Upon successful nomination, these businesses/organizations will be recognized at an upcoming meeting.
(Go to the 57 minute, 30 second mark)
— There was a discussion around setting up a schedule for committees to meet regularly. The idea is that committees are scheduled to meet each month, and if no agenda items are presented, then the committee can cancel its meeting. Mondays or Wednesdays were potential options as meeting days. The direction was given for committee chairs to reach out to the other members and try to agree on a meeting day and time. (Go to the 14 minute, 45 second mark)
— The Board heard an update on academic scores that are not still under an embargo. (Go to the 37 minute, 15 second mark)
— The Board unanimously approved (with Busch, Janetka, and Skelding absent) the hiring of Debra Hintz as an Instructional Assistant. (Go to the one hour, five minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved (with Busch, Janetka, and Skelding absent) the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the one hour, seven minute mark)
— The next regular meeting will be held Monday, September 12 at 6 pm. There will be a special meeting Monday, August 15 at 5:30 pm to approve new hires for the 2022-23 school year, followed by a Board Retreat at 6 pm.