Jenna Wedig
Elementary Instructional Assistant
Hometown: Mineral Point
High school graduated from: Mineral Point
College: UW-Platteville
Previous employment: Caregiver/Nanny (for one who has autism), Seasonal Lands’ End Packer
Family: Parents: Peter and Kim Wedig, Siblings: Jacob, 22; Jared, 17; Jaxon, 13. My mom and
dad both come from large families, so aside from us siblings, we also have a lot of aunts, uncles,
and cousins!
Hobbies/Free time interests: In my free time, I enjoy hiking, dancing, swimming, cooking, and
spending time with my family.
What attracted you to apply in #PointerNation?: There are many things that attracted me to
#PointerNation, and a main one was how connected and supported I felt growing up here. I love
the small-town feel, and I am very fortunate to be a part of it. It is so comforting to know the
teachers from when I went to school here, so it is nostalgic to be working in the same place! It is
a great pleasure to be working in the Elementary School, and I enjoy being part of my hometown
school, not just as a previous student, but also as an employee.