The School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday. The meeting did not conclude prior to the start of the Middle/High School Winter Concert. Therefore, the meeting will reconvene Thursday, December 16 at 5 pm with discussion of covid protocols and finishing the agenda from that point. Please refer to the agenda info from Monday night here: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/2067
Meeting video: https://youtu.be/UUyX5mHu9Yc
Agenda items completed from Monday night’s meeting:
— Recognized grant recipients (Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom, Compeer Financial, American Library Association), School Public Relations Awards, and National FFA Livestock Judging Team. (This beings the meeting video)
— Unanimously approved the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the 32 minute mark)
— The Board reviewed the annual audit from Johnson & Block. (Go to the 32 minute, 45 second mark)
— The Board unanimously appointed Justin Skelding as Treasurer. (Go to the 43 minute mark)
— Superintendent Mitch Wainwright presented his monthly budget update. (Go the 45 minute mark)
— The Board received a review of the DPI State Report Card data and ACT scores. (Go to the 46 minute, 15 second mark)
— The Board reviewed the School Board Election Timeline. Two seats are up for election, each for a three-year term. Notice of Non-candidacy by incumbents not interested in running must be filed no later than Friday, December 24 at 5 pm in the District Office. The deadline for candidates, including incumbents, to file all documents needed to establish eligibility on the Spring 2022 ballot is Tuesday, January 4 at 5 pm in the District Office. (Go to the 58 minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board began its discussion of covid protocols, which due to time constraints of the middle/high school concert, did not conclude Monday and will be picked up at the start of the meeting Thursday at 5 pm. (Go to the one hour, 45 second mark)