by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright
Every school district in Wisconsin needs people committed to serving on their respective Boards of Education. Mineral Point is no different. This is the time of the year when incumbents must decide if they wish to seek re-election. The timeline for an incumbent is December 24th, if they do not wish to run again. If a school district resident is interested in running for a seat, they need to fill out candidate paperwork by January 4th, 2022 at 5:00 pm. The paperwork is located in the district office in the high school building. By filing the candidate papers, the individual will have their name appear on the ballot in April.
In Mineral Point, we hold a candidate information night. This year, that will be on Wednesday, December 15th at 5:30 pm at 705 Ross Street in the Board Room. If you are interested in finding out more about being a board member, this would be a night to have your questions answered. Another good source of information would be any current or former board members. If you are uncomfortable attending the information night in-person, or have a conflict and can’t make it that evening, please reach out to me at mitch.wainwright@mp.k12.wi.us or call 608-987-0740 if you have questions.
We have been fortunate to have many dedicated individuals that have served, and continue to serve, as board members. They have helped shape the direction of our educational excellence. I would encourage anyone wishing to be a part of what makes Mineral Point a great school district to consider filling out the candidate papers and running to a board member. It takes all of us working together to continue forward. It makes us #PointerNation.